Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Increase Flaccid Size

Are you guys just fucking around, talking about chili peppers? I’m not putting chili peppers on my dick or up my ass.

7inchesSoft, what you just described is my wettest dream ever!

Greetings, Starfighter! You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the Frontier against Xur and the Ko-Dan Armada.

Originally Posted by StarfighterCMD
Are you guys just fucking around, talking about chili peppers? I’m not putting chili peppers on my dick or up my ass…

I’ll give you a dollar if you do it. Gotta video it tho’.

(F’in with ya) :)

Hey if was a guaranteed fatty maker, I’d do it. I still can’t believe there’s guys that sting it with wasps.

Greetings, Starfighter! You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the Frontier against Xur and the Ko-Dan Armada.

As other non-workout, bonus stuff, daily moisturizer in the morning after a hot shower seems to keep everything supple and soft and hanging better.

Originally Posted by cantlook
Going commando is going without under wear, so gravity helps do the stretching. Loose boxers will give the same effect.

I suggest manually stretch it out for a minute or so every time you go to the bathroom or have the privacy. It’s not a huge commitment in time and in my opinion, fully stretching it out every few hours over the entire day is better than half stretching out for a longer time with a cumbersome wrap or ads.

Yes, that what i do too ,manully of hand could feel penis reaction bed or good and safe

There’s no one here who pikes eating Chilies?

I like to apply vitamin E oil after a workout. It keeps the old chap moist far longer than creams.

What’s up everybody

I’ve definitely noticed some incresed flaccid size ever since I started wrapping my unit up after every workout and all day on off days. I use some ouchless tape, it’s sticks to its self not your skin. You can find it at any walmart or meijer store if you’re in the US, I don’t wrap it tightly at all, just enough to give my unit a nice hug to keep it elongated all day. I start the wrap about an inch from the base and only wrap it to the circumsision scar. It looks very long when it’s wrapped up and it’s completely flaccid. Another thing I like about the ouchless tape is it stretches! So if you’re EQ is great and you get a lot of random boners the tape will stretch to fit your erection, hell sometimes when I’m wrapped up and get a random erection my dick looks fatter! I don’t why it just does. I highly recommend it to all you guys. It’s ouchless tape by curad very cheap.

Hope this helps, peace

"Just jelq"

An easy way to get a bigger flaccid hang is to do jai- stretches. I have read many posts that guys have made nice flaccid gains with just doing jai- stretches besides their routines.. daily. I’m one of them! I do them almost everyday several minutes and up to max 5 minutes thru out the day when I feel for it. Jai- stretches is also good as an warm up before the main session begins and as an warm down. It’s like a slow 2 seconds hold and 2 second release with breath sync.. like every exercising the breath is an important factor to get a good flow and get in a relaxing state.

Starting size: 7.48" X 5.51" Currently: 10.1" X 6.4"

Heat is the key!

Last edited by monochrome : 02-08-2015 at .

JAI stretches for flacid? Sounds interesting, will try it.

Originally Posted by SwedishMeatball
JAI stretches for flacid? Sounds interesting, will try it.

Yes, jai- stretches is a good exercise that can trigger to gains and get the blood flow going. But them are not near as intense like when stretch and hold for longer time. The more reps you do with these, the more you reach full stretch and beyond. It’s at that moment I stop and do firegoat rolls. It’s better to begun stretching light and build up the intensity over time to full stretch than chock it from the start and end up in a negative state at finish.

Try them.. they are nice to play with!

Starting size: 7.48" X 5.51" Currently: 10.1" X 6.4"

Heat is the key!

Originally Posted by monochrome
Yes, JAI- stretches is a good exercise that can trigger to gains and get the blood flow going. But them are not near as intense like when stretch and hold for longer time. The more reps you do with these, the more you reach full stretch and beyond. It’s at that moment I stop and do firegoat rolls. It’s better to begun stretching light and build up the intensity over time to full stretch than chock it from the start and end up in a negative state at finish.

Try them.. They are nice to play with!

Will try replacing my normal 15 min stretch session with JAI stretches. I jelq for another 15 mins after that, haven’t measured since I began so its gonna be interesting.

Originally Posted by OneSevenMl
Eat Chillis.

Lots of them. All the time. Enjoy big Penis.

Spicy food does speed up circulation

Hi! I’m thinking about natural preparations for penis enlargement and improvement of potency. The preparations like ginkgo biloba. It improves blood circulation. Maybe someone has experience with something like this?


Welcome aboard.

Check out the Male Supplements forum, there are lots of explanatory threads there but a good diet should be your first step and no supplement will actually produce penis enlargement.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.


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