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increasing head size

increasing head size

Does anyone know any specific exercises to get that huge mushroom head look?

Hi Cray, maybe you can try erect jelques/squeeze and ulis. When I do this I usually get a tremendous head swell after this work out.

You get a 80-90% erection then grip you penis at the base, perform an Uli trapping more blood with the grip and squeeze/jelque to wards the head, hold to a count of 40 and release. You will notice that as you jelgue you can only rich to some place slightly past mid shaft because of the fully engorged penis

You must always remain patient as growth comes with time

Squeezes dont seem to do much, at least for me.

I am seriously looking into some kind of clamp to keep my head engorged with blood and ‘pumped’ all day.

Cray - you’ve been around here long enough to know how to use the Search button at the top of each page. This topic was discussed as recently as a couple weeks ago. If you use your question “increasing head size” as the search phrase and (in the bottom left panel of the search page) select “Show results as posts” you’ll get all kinds of answers to your question.

You can use the clamp to do that during the day, but don’t leave it for a long time(much over 10 minutes).

I’ve been doing something similar with the “cable clamp”. I put it on to engorge the glans, and can keep it in my pants for 10 minute sets. I have left it on for 20 minute sets before without any problem, but have since reduced the time out of fear of killing tissue.

I have noticed the glans baloons when I do sadsak squeezes (you can search on this). But frankly, though my head is not necessarily small (1.5”), I don’t think the squeezes have showed any increase. Ofcourse I haven’t done it sincerely.

Pumping with a wrap right below my head gives the most head expansion of any PE technique I’ve tried.

I don’t track circumference because it’s difficult to measure consistently, but I check width by laying a ruler across the top and measuring the widest point. Usually my head is 1 5/8” across when erect, even when wearing a cock ring after jelqing, squeezing, etc. After several sets of wrapped pumping it measures 1 3/4”. That’s quite a difference.

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