Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Info and Exercise which might combat LOT limitations

Info and Exercise which might combat LOT limitations

I just understood the LOT concept a few days ago and I’m just sharing an exercise with ya’ll which could possibly be a cure for LOT limitations. Bib theory states that after a time the ligs will basically cease to grow and you will then have to do stretches targeting the tunica. Well I don’t know if I’m lucky, (which I highly doubt) but let me share my experience with you. When I started Peing I was roughly five and a half going six inches. And no I don’t have any before pics, at that time I didn’t even know there where forums for these things so I didn’t think I needed any, I just did it for my personal use. Now I am roughly nine inches. I have scrolled through this site and I see a lot of post suggesting a variety of exercises, well I can assure you I have never done a variety of exercises. I basically do two along with the one I am going to tell you about soon. Everyone has different opinion as to variety and intensity, but I can tell you that for most of you guys that don’t see any gains, or not how you want to, it might be that you are doing too much. What a lot of people fail to realize is that the more you do the more rest you will need to recover and grow. Your body takes one day on average to rebuild a cell, do you know how many cells are in the Penis “uncountable”. For those who make great gains by doing more praises to you but that’s not usually the case.

Now for the exercise and why I think it might be of some help. The only type of stretching I have every done is what u guys call ligs stretches and I have gained over three inches and I can say that my LOT has been at around 6 or 7 o clock for about a year or more now. What I have realized is that after a while the ligs require a long period or rest or it could be because of the exercise I don’t know but whatever it was I can tell you I saw a growth splurt. This is my experince.

I PE for about one year with atleats three rest days. I did hang for about 25mins per day then jelq for about an half an hour. I hang then jelq. And I also incorporated an exercise called isometrics by After on year I noticed that length reached a stagnant point so the first thing occurred to me was more rest. So for about another six month I only jelqed. When I decided to stretch again I wanted to give the Penis some stress so it would respond fast after the long break so I hanged for about 30mins for a week straight no jelqs. Then I took the following two days off. I don’t know if ya’ll realize it but after you hang you get temporarily longer. However after the two day break when I hang that night I saw an increase of half an inch immediately and it was pernanent after the session. I attribute it to rest, that what I think. I thought during the rest period my body was rebuilding itself however it was doing it internally so when I stretched again it adopted immediately. That’s my experience you guys be the judge.

Now for the exercise:

Isometrics ( Flexing without allowing muscle fiber to shorten) thereby lengthening the tendon. As it applies to the penis it means flexing the tendon like tissue to elongate it like a true tendon. The site assures that it provides the means for unlimited gains.

How it is done.

Attain a rock hard erection, your max.
Slowly push penis down to the floor by cupping the head.
While pointing at the floor do a kegel without allowing it to move your hand.
Hold kegel for about ten secs.
Release and repeat.

That’s it.

Listen the last time I post a message I was attacked by some, well I am not posting any before of after pics because I don’t have any, the ones I posted before are gone cause I had to reinstall a new operating sys. And I am not holding a gun to anyone’s head so those who don’t think my post is informative or helpful you don’t need to reply at all. Seeing no reply feels better than seeing rude replies.

Good luck to everyone.

3 weeks ago I started incorporating your version of extreme uli´s into my daily routine.
I haven’t seen any results yet but so far it seems promising.
With all that internal pressure the results have to come sooner or later.

Keep posting jayroony.
:-piss: :-pink:


I am very interested in trying your routine, actually I tried it last night after my jelqing routine since I like to maintain a max erection following my jelqing routine for a fair amount of time. I just have a couple of questions regarding this exercise. How many reps/sets do you do and I felt a dull ache at the base of my penis once I allowed my erection to subside, is this the desired effect or did I overdo it slightly. The ache was nothing worse than when I stay hard for a very long time when say having an extended session with my g/f and by the time I woke up this morning it was gone.



reply to Peter

trust me man just stick with it but ensure that you do regular jelqs for circulation and believe me bro it works the smallest area on my dick in close to 6inches thick and the largest is close to seven. Its a bit distorted but who cares when its that big and besides even since then girls has commented that sex with me feels damn good, so i don’t mind.
( and remember rest is essential)


You do not what to rap too tight, just as much as you are fearly comfortable with. However you should feel abit uncomfortable for a while until you get use to that amount of pressure in the penis. However no pain. Give me a brief discrption of what you are doing.
Thanks. ( and remember rest is essential)

By the way these supplements will also help you guys along with adequate

Saw Palmetto
Ginko Biloba
Korean Ginseng Extract
Harthorne Berry



Sorry I should have mentioned the exercise that I tried was isometrics, I have my own stretch and jelq routine that seems to be working very well for me. I simply followed the point form instructions given in your original post. I assume that when you mentioned wrapping too tight that you were referring to hanging, which I am not hanging at the moment, I would like to see where my manual stretching and jelqing can get me first. As for the sets/reps portion of my post I was speaking of only the isometrics exercise, I would like to know if you do say 50 total (5 sets X 10 reps) or whatever you feel has been optimal in your situation.

Also, I would like to point out that I did not point straight down to the floor at the moment because I have a high erection angle. Instead I was at 8 o’clock or so until I get comfortable with the exercise, at which point I will increase the intensity.




Thank you for sharing the exercise. I’ll make sure to apply heat if I decide to give it a try…

About the size, is that 6” at upper shaft and 7” at base? That’s about what I have, and girls love the shape and thickness, however I’ve always thought it would look better with a somewhat more equalized girth.

You say rest is important, yes indeed it is, but how much do you rest on average each week? I didn’t quite get that.


You said don’t hang for more than 4 to 6 weeks in a row 5 days on 2 off. Then take a two weeks break from hanging. So while your on your hanging break you still jelq. However, when you are going to restart your hanging take a jelq break for about a week or two.

So 2 weeks into your hanging you start up your jelqing? So then you will be hanging and Jelqing for another 2 to 4 weeks? Until you stop hanging for another 2 weeks. Which you would then only jelq for 2 weeks. Tell me if I’m close.

On another post of yours you said Per day I stretch for no more than 1-2 hours in total, and I jelg for no more that 45 mins. Is that every day?
5 days on then Saturday and Sundays off.

I only ask because on another post you said
I PE for about one year with atleats three rest days. I did hang for about 25mins per day then jelq for about an half an hour. I hang then jelq.

I would like to know do you hang for 25 mins or do you hang for 1-2 hour per day? That seems to be a big difference in time. I understand that you jelq between 30 to 60 mins per day. I just would like to know how often you are hanging.

At what weight did you start hanging with? and what are you hanging with now?
Do you hang standing up or sitting down?

Would you give us your routine in detail please as far a weights and amount of time you hang? Standing or Sitting?
If you wet or dry jelq?
Plus times you decide to PE morning or at night?

I think that your gains are great. By the way have you met your PE goals yet?

What are you gonna do? Sic your dogs on me? Or your bees? Or dogs with bees in their mouth so when they bark they shoot bees at me? I think Mr. Smithers picked me for my motivational skills. Everyone always says they have to work twice as hard when Im around! Its not easy to juggle a pregnant wife and a troubled child, but somehow I managed to squeeze in 8 hours of TV a day. Getting out of jury duty is easy. The trick is to say youre prejudiced against all races. - Homer Simpson.

Last edited by maxwell : 02-21-2004 at .

Maxwell the reason why my hanging time varies is that I dont believe in hanging too much weight from my penis I want to be able to use it when it grows. I dont want to cause injury. So what i do is fluctuate time period instead of weight thats why the time perod in my posts vary. I hang between 2.5 to 5 pounds no more. One week I will go 5 days on two days off the other I will go every other day. So depending on what week I am in I’ll get either two or three days rest. That’s why the rest day in my post vary, i apologize for not posting in detail. And after 4 or five weeks I take a week off and do nothing, no sex either, to give my organ rest.

Jayroony Dam dude you gained 3’inch just hanging 2.5 to 5 lbs & thats it? I got to say you the man!

Do you hang sitting or standing? & at what angles?

Do you wet or dry jelq?

Plus times you decide to PE morning or at night?

Do you do all your PE (hanging & Jelq) in one sitting? or do you split your routine?

Do you change your weeks every week? Going from 5 on 2 off to every other day?

What are you gonna do? Sic your dogs on me? Or your bees? Or dogs with bees in their mouth so when they bark they shoot bees at me? I think Mr. Smithers picked me for my motivational skills. Everyone always says they have to work twice as hard when Im around! Its not easy to juggle a pregnant wife and a troubled child, but somehow I managed to squeeze in 8 hours of TV a day. Getting out of jury duty is easy. The trick is to say youre prejudiced against all races. - Homer Simpson.

Man and let me tell you I have only been hanging weights since summer of 2002
I didn’t knew about the idea before then. I use to just do manual stretches
which was what the site in my post stressed about. I can tell you I agree with
most of the stuff on that site although I differ in opinion on some areas.
I must admit i think doing pe in the morning has more impact than doing any
other time of the day. That’s when your testost is at its peak and your erectile
tissues are most flexy. That’s when I use to do it. i must admit since my gains
I have gotten a bit complacent and don’t bother to get up that early and do it at nights
which slows progress a bit because at nights testost is at its lowest but
I am comfortable with gains so slow or fast gains don’t really matter much anymore.
Also you should take multivitamins, and if you can get your hands on a good bodybuilding
supplement with all the essential amino acids that would help a great deals as well.
I always hang lying on my bed with my feet close together and on my tv stand.
I jelq wet and I only split my routine depending on the time I have to spare and yeah I
usually change my weeks every weeks. Man let me tell you that I can assure you that
PE is possible. It’s just that you have some conventional things that will work
for everyone and then you have some things that will vary from person to person.
But the variety comes in when you vary length of workout and intensity and exercise.
The underlying circumstances of rest and recovery stays the same but they can vary
depending on conditions such as health and rest time and the like. Reason this out. Two men go
to a DOC. for the same illnesses, however they don’t get the same medication. That is only
because one needs more help in recovery than the other. Its all depends on the state our body is
in man that’s the real trick to it. Our bodies all respond in basically the same ways all things being
constant, and this case health is what should be held constant, held constant by us thriving to be
as healthy as we can. If we did a study of ten 15year old boys of reasonably the same health
who each broke their arm in the same place and the same way, it would on average take each
limb basically the same time to heal. Think about it. So what you have to do is learn how to understand your
body and try to match adequate rest with the work out you do and you will do just fine. And if you can try to lift some weights too it helps test level.



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