Inner penis girth development?
I have this theory on BTB jelquing, which may or may not sound plausible!
The part of the penis that is behind the balls and runs to your anus is the section of “inner penis” that we jelq. Now, with BTB jelquing, wouldn’t it be right to assume that we would be working on its girth, just as we work on our outer penis’ girth with regular jelquing?
And that’s another topic of contention, too! When jelquing regularly the outer penis, we are attempting to increase its girth (although there are other girth techniques as well). Wouldn’t we be neglecting the inner penis’ girth if we somehow didn’t attempt to equalize its girth with the outer penis’ girth as? This picture brings to mind an outer penis with a more developed girth than an inner penis, sort of like the fat end of a telescope as the outer penis, while the decreasing sections of the telescope recedes into the body. And not to mention the baseball effect on the outer penis in relation to the inner penis’ girth, too!
Now, I believe that performing kegals to some extent would help to develop the inner penis’ girth. I believe that we can further emphasize the inner penis’ girth development if we apply a base OK grip of the outer penis, and kegal against this grip, thus forcing blood to hit a “wall” (the OK grip) and expand the inner penis.
Over time, as usually is the case, the development of the inner penis’ girth should happen, I believe.
This development of the inner penis’ girth, if it is possible to, will help augment, or even easier facilitate, the development of the outer penis’ girth?
Just a few comments floating around that I wanted to get down before forgetting…
I am building a Canadian Maple for the lovely!