Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Interesting 'Science of Flexibility'

Originally Posted by Dicko7X5
What do you mean by this?

I mean enlargement may not be by permanently deforming the tissues. It may be caused by stimulating further tissue growth, whether due to microtrauma or some other means.

Originally Posted by Dicko7X5
I’m not sure what you meant when you said it implies one would lose girth when gaining length? If the volume remains the same it’s not really penis enlargement. And why do you think that happens? That’s the only thing that confuses me otherwise it’s a good read. I like the sock analogy! :)

If it is like stretching out a peice of metal wire then it is clear that the girth would decrease as the length increased, as the volume would have to remain fixed.

I think it is possible that you could extend the penis in length AND in girth (jelqing probably does both) due to stretching the tisses in both directions (away from the body for length and outwards for girth)

This would cause increase in volume because you’d be stretching out the cells in all directions not just one.

Actually…. The penis could extend from plastic deformation without losing girth. I’ve just been thinking about it (i’ve had a PM off someone who knows quite a bit about penis anatomy aswell).

If you plastically deform the ligaments but not the actual penis.. and then the longer ligaments allow for your penis to come further out of your body, i.e. internal penis comes out; then that would mean you wouldn’t be losing girth.

Another thing i wanted to mention: i don’t think IPR would be a safe or even effective way of lengthening the ligaments. Their blood supply is so low and their healing rate so low that you couldn’t be causing microtrauma on a daily basis and expect growth.

Perhaps plastic deformation for the ligament and IPR for tunica (which has large blood supply like the rest of the penis).

I am almost convinced now that ligament creep is a valid explanation of penis enlargement. If you stretch your penis in any direction when flaccid and feel around the internal structures with your fingers, in every single direction (atleast for me) it is the ligament that runs along the top of the penis that is in tension. The shaft is slack practically.

The first two graphs on this link are of interest.

Firstly it shows how the temperature affects creep.
Secondly and more importantly, in my opinion, it shows how load affects creep.
It takes about 27.5 hours to stretch by 113% at 5.6Mn/m2.
To stretch that same amount at 10.5Mn/m2 (i.e. approx twice the load used for 5.6Mn/m2) it takes less than 2.5 hours!
That’s eleven times as fast for only two times the load! Every pound of extra weight you hang could cause a huge difference in rate of creep.

For anyone not following all of this entirely i will do a really dumbed down theoretical example:
Two men each ahve a 5 inch penis. Man A hangs with 5 pounds for X total hours within the creep zone. Man B hangs with 10 pounds for X total hours within the creep zone. Man A gains about 5mm (i.e. about a fifth of an inch; an immeasurable amount due to varying erection levels etc..) and Man B gains 55mm (2+ inches, a most definitely measurable amount)

Now in reality people might not hang with such a difference in load. Maybe someone will be hanging with 10 pounds and another with 8 pounds and seen as the proportion of load to extension is not direct, i can’t give you the difference in extension but you get the idea from this rough model.

I’ve ordered a cableclamp a couple days ago and intend to use it for some kind of hanging device. One that is easy to put on and off as my plan of attack is this:

Take as much weight as i can comfortably handle (take a few sessions to work up to this)
Try and get as much hang time as possible.
Don’t starve penis of fresh blood by releasing the clamp and reattaching atleast as often as every five minutes and letting blood circulate for about a minute or less. (hence the requisite for a very quick hanger)

Creep requires time, more time more creep.
Creep requires load, more load more creep up until failure stress is reached, i.e. ligament snaps (justifying why you can’t just use more and more load up to like 100 pounds or something)
The blood thing is merely one of the complications caused by the fact that the penis wasn’t designed to be stretched out therefore we have to take unnatural measures… which naturally will conflict with some bodily functions i.e. blood supply. But we can minimize the negatives by allowing blood to circulate every 5 minutes.

Last edited by BunchofBananas : 10-29-2007 at .

The factor of temperature is also something to experiment with but for now i will keep it as simple as possible for myself.


a lot of that which you are speculating has been discussed back and forth before - how much have you been reading up here on the debate about low load / long term vs high load / short term for instance, or about IPR and why heavy loads may lead to diminished gains - or Shiver’s heat thread? Or the graph about creep / heat in the thread I linked to?

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

I have read these things before and find it all interesting. It was about 1 year ago that i read the threads on this subject and as far as i remember i am bringing a few new things up… only a few i know but then again maybe i’ve missed a couple threads.

I haven’t read about heavy loads leading to diminished gains btw. I’ve tried searching for it.

It’s part of the IPR idea - that (OK, not necessarily heavy) the collagen changes type (“Finding Xeno - a penis tale”) when you subject it to stress - to a type that is a lot stronger than the original one. And there are plenty of people that have noted that increasing load / time led to a complete standstill, that they had to stop and take a break to restart.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

“These graphs demonstrate the improvements made in gas turbine blade alloys since the 1940’s”

With all due respect, tissue and metal aren’t the same when it comes to creep, temperature and time. In one of the threads I’ve mentioned, someone actually dug up creep / temperature for tendon tissue, and it’s way different. Or if if it was stress / strain. At any rate, comparing to metals aren’t that useful.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

I see.
Another thing:
I have heard that excessive heat can actually cause collagen to change from horizontally aligned helixes to a disorganized bundle and can cuase shrinkage. Perhaps only if the tendon was shortened while the excessive heat was applied though.

Going off Bib’s routine (hours of hanging a day working up to using 45 lbs) it would seem to be quite effective. You may say it is only one guy out of the thousands here but others that have gained alot in the length department seem to have done so via hanging.

Personally i think hanging heavy for a long time will beat hanging light for a short time….not tested it firsthand though.

Originally Posted by BunchofBananas

I mean enlargement may not be by permanently deforming the tissues. It may be caused by stimulating further tissue growth, whether due to microtrauma or some other means.

Some believe we stimulate smooth muscle growth and when the smooth muscle gets bigger it puts pressure on the tunica and, in turn, stretches it out. This is essentially the smooth muscle theory.

Originally Posted by BunchofBananas

If it is like stretching out a peice of metal wire then it is clear that the girth would decrease as the length increased, as the volume would have to remain fixed.

I don’t think it is. The tunica is basically a hollow structure. Mass in not necessarily needed to increase volume. When making a bubble with a bubblegum the bubblegum is always the same size but you can make various sizes of bubbles. In hollow structures you can increase the volume by making the structure thinner. If the structure is not hollow, then you can never increase the volume of the structure (as far as I know), which you can with the penis, and so I think the metal wire analogy is not optimal.

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Originally Posted by BunchofBananas

I know they state that low-weight, long-duration is best but I think the low-weight has still got to be more than the current crop of ADS. Otherwise everyone would be wearing an ADS and gaining inches.

Westsidetoni did. And I will be too as soon as my new ADS arrives. Many people who have an ADS never really commit and actually wear it because it is uncomfortable. I think that’s one of the reasons we only hear of a few people making good gains with ADS. I think ADS has a lot more potential and most of us have not been putting in enough effort to find out. I will though. I am convinced that heat, manual stretching, no warm down, wear ADS for whole day is the best routine to gain some good length. In time I will find out if this is the case.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Originally Posted by Dicko7X5
Some believe we stimulate smooth muscle growth and when the smooth muscle gets bigger it puts pressure on the tunica and, in turn, stretches it out. This is essentially the smooth muscle theory.

I don’t think it is. The tunica is basically a hollow structure. Mass in not necessarily needed to increase volume. When making a bubble with a bubblegum the bubblegum is always the same size but you can make various sizes of bubbles. In hollow structures you can increase the volume by making the structure thinner. If the structure is not hollow, then you can never increase the volume of the structure (as far as I know), which you can with the penis, and so I think the metal wire analogy is not optimal.

If you read further you will see me state your latter point.

(Btw I now use the metal wire analogy for the ligaments not the entire penis.)

Originally Posted by spaghettidick
Westsidetoni did. And I will be too as soon as my new ADS arrives. Many people who have an ADS never really commit and actually wear it because it is uncomfortable. I think that’s one of the reasons we only hear of a few people making good gains with ADS. I think ADS has a lot more potential and most of us have not been putting in enough effort to find out. I will though. I am convinced that heat, manual stretching, no warm down, wear ADS for whole day is the best routine to gain some good length. In time I will find out if this is the case.

I look forward to seeing your results, and good luck.

Out of interest: How quickly can the bib hanger be attached and removed?


I see you say that excessive heat can actually cause shrinkage. This worries me a bit, now that I’ve finally started using heat. What are your thoughts on using heat while hanging?

Anyone else?


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