Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Invitation to all who haven't posted


Another very usefull tool is that search button in the upper right corner. Lot’s of good info there :)


Thunder was a great help in re-enabling my account (I’m an idiot)…this is a top-notch board.


6-22-08: 7.5' BPEL, 7' NBPEL, 7.75' BPSFL, 5.25' EG

Goals: 8' NBPEL, 6' EG, 21' NBPSFL

sorry I have not been active here at thundersplace t has been impossible for me to get everywhere over the past month. i have dropped by once a week to read new topics but just have not had the time to post till now…i will be more active soon…this is a wonderful forum

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Hello, I’ve been a lurker for too long, but I’ve recently spoken up some. I started in Aug 01 but life interfered before I could do too much. Now I’m back at it again.

Start: 6.5 bp x 4.875
Oct 01: 7.25 by x 5.125
then too much tim off.
Now after back into it for a month or so I’m:
7.5 bp x 5.25

My lengths are streched flacid as erect length is a bitch to measure.

My intermediate goal is 7.5 bp x 5.5. After that, I’ll continue to increase until the wife cries uncle. 8 x 6 is tempting, but I’m honestly not sure if the wife could handle that. She’s kinda tight and has never had a kid.

I’ve been doing manual stretching and the usual round of jelq/squeezes. Recently I’ve started doing the dry jelq routine that RB did (posted on peforum in his routine), and like it so far, but it’s way too soon to measure.

As a usual lurker [I have posted once] Here is my post. My sad story.
In response to a posting in another thresd.
Respones to: Posted by:
New Member
08-19-2002 07:40 AM
(I find great pleasure when at the urinal at work when someone is next to me and I ‘shake it off’ and it is flopping around now and I KNOW that bastard next to me is thinking, Damn… what a dick. hee hee.)

By “that someone next to you at the urinal”. I have been far too long a looker and have been very envious anybody with a long floppy. I always thought that meant a bigger, longer penis. Bigger, longer penis meant more girlfriends and more sex. (Discussing all of this with a theriapist now, also).

Now, I am 57. Diabetic (Type I) with low testosterone levels(150 range:250-1000), barely any erection capability. I also have another serious disease (Sarcoidosis) which is apparently stable at this time. I take 12 daily medications plus insulin injections.

Overweight (70 lbs. +/-) Not much exercise. I know I need to lose weight and exercise.
A urologist I saw did not offer hormone injections, stating testicular size had not decreased in relation to the low testosterone level and recommended I go to an endocrinologist. Which I will do shortly.

Penis size has been 5 1/4 inches all this years. Having been seduced by a gay guy when I was 18, who told me me “a small one, huh”, I have felt inadequate all this years, even tho I married and my wife has always been satisfied, saying many times I was large enough.
Now, I am struggling with the question, Is it too late in my life to work on PE? Should I use hormone injections, if offered?

hey abingtonus,

Its never too late :)

There are older people here than you.

Hormone injections sound fun.


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