As a usual lurker [I have posted once] Here is my post. My sad story.
In response to a posting in another thresd.
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New Member
08-19-2002 07:40 AM
(I find great pleasure when at the urinal at work when someone is next to me and I ‘shake it off’ and it is flopping around now and I KNOW that bastard next to me is thinking, Damn… what a dick. hee hee.)
By “that someone next to you at the urinal”. I have been far too long a looker and have been very envious anybody with a long floppy. I always thought that meant a bigger, longer penis. Bigger, longer penis meant more girlfriends and more sex. (Discussing all of this with a theriapist now, also).
Now, I am 57. Diabetic (Type I) with low testosterone levels(150 range:250-1000), barely any erection capability. I also have another serious disease (Sarcoidosis) which is apparently stable at this time. I take 12 daily medications plus insulin injections.
Overweight (70 lbs. +/-) Not much exercise. I know I need to lose weight and exercise.
A urologist I saw did not offer hormone injections, stating testicular size had not decreased in relation to the low testosterone level and recommended I go to an endocrinologist. Which I will do shortly.
Penis size has been 5 1/4 inches all this years. Having been seduced by a gay guy when I was 18, who told me me “a small one, huh”, I have felt inadequate all this years, even tho I married and my wife has always been satisfied, saying many times I was large enough.
Now, I am struggling with the question, Is it too late in my life to work on PE? Should I use hormone injections, if offered?