Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Is enlargement surgery permanent???


Originally Posted by Cya at 8

There are complications with PE in general Penismith. Nothing about PE is complication free. Someone MUST take the plunge in order for the community to benefit from new advancements. So far, I would personally consider having the procedure as I believe it to be as safe as clamping in the short term.

Well… life is risk. On that much I think we can all agree.

Any one of us could get hit by a bus tomorrow after all.

I think there are levels to such things, however. I would hesitate to equate this procedure with PE - even clamping, which practiced with too much uh, ‘enthusiasm’ can certainly be quite risky.

penismith is right to encourage dialing back the discussion into the realm of objective analysis, and I’m glad to see Determined2Gain is willing to qualify his remarks - and acknowledge his bias. I, for one, appreciate that level of honesty. I’d further appreciate making sure to re-state and reinforce such qualifiers in discussion going forward. There are a lot folks that are so eager to accomplish their goals that they tend to overlook any downside.

The balancing of risk/reward ratios is of great importance in all of this. Everyone wants a quick fix. We’re a society that has built-in immediate gratification to the psyches of the vast majority. However some super-sizing endeavors can’t be rushed, or accomplished, at the same pace as ordering a Happy Meal.

Let’s make sure that the health and functioning of organ in question is at least as important as any goal of gaining. In that regard, it’s best to have as honest a discussion as possible when going over the various alternatives.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

No surgery to get penis enlargement


The biggest problem I see with penile enlargement surgery, is it is in direct contreversy with PE faith. If you believe in PE and have penile surgery, most of them end your PE journey because of the nature of the surgery and the consequences that come with them. I mean, once you have “fat or and silicon injection” stretching, jelq, and most likely any other form od PE is over. The ligiment cut, I think would also have the same consequences.

I think PMMA is very interesting, but the problem with long term implants that are new, is you don’t know what the outcome will be in a few years. I have read so many women who are now suffering from PMMA, swelling, having parts of the buttocks cut off etc and not much can be done. Another problem is long term inflammation puts you at a high risk of cancer. I will stick to normal manual enlargement and keep watching for complications. I won’t lie PMMA has given guys amazing results, realistic thick cocks. Not only that, when flaccid you have a thick bulge and increase in flaccid length. I will give myself 1- 2 years before I have it done.

Another problem I think doctors who are doing it in Mexico could possibly be using different substance and posing it as PMMA, I say that because real PMMA is actually quite expensive per CC’s, and surgeons in US have expressed concern about the cheapness of the injections vs the wholesale cost?? Anyways I might be wrong.

Any girth gain from PMMA is permanent.

You can expect a .5”-1.25” girth gain depending on the amount of PMMA used.

I’m getting 2 rounds of PMMA. 45cc-60cc each time. Pretty pricey though, @ 7000 USD for both or @ 3950 USD per round.

I was initially planning on getting the lengthening procedure done along with either a dermal graft or PMMA at the same time (was going to do the lengthening right away then wait 7 days before the girth work then head home). The reason for this is because I have to travel a long way and the air fare is not cheap.

What I ended up going with is PMMA over dermal grafts and decided to do the girth enhancement before the length. I may not even be getting the lengthening done at all. But I will come to that decision when the time comes. All I’m really looking for is another 1.5” of erect length.

The reason I opted to do the girth first was because I was advised that having a thicker penis greatly affects the outcome of the lengthening procedure. With a thicker penis, there’s more pull -without slippage! So they can pull more of the inner penis out during the procedure. So, again, if I choose to do the lengthening at a later date, I will do so, with a much thicker penis. My plan is to do manual PE stretching and weights for length to see if I can get that gain I’m after without having to go broke. To me, the immediate girth gains are worth the money. It’s the girth I’m after!

The PMMA is also injected to the inner penis, anticipating further advancement of the penis in the future. I was told by doing this, when it comes time for the lengthening, there is no gap in the shaft. You end up with a nice symmetrical look.

Anyway, I’m getting my 1st round of PMMA in about 2 weeks. April 12th. I will probably start my own thread, seeing as nobody has a progress thread involving this procedure(that is up to date or even complete).

*Sorry for the double post
**This post is edited. Please delete my 1st post.


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