Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Is it possibble?

Is it possibble?

Although my lot is 7 the last few days I’ve emphasised on downwards stretches (ligs) and my flaccid lenght is definately bigger.

Is it possible since I’m supposed to work the tunica for better lenght gains ?

Started: 6 dec 2003 15 may 2004 : 7.6 x 5.9 inches Want : 8 (nbp) x 6 (head) My photo

If you’re tugging downwards (below your LOT) then you should still see lig gains. Lig gains are primarily for length - mainly flaccid, which explains why your flaccid may in fact be bigger. Tunica gains can give you both erect length & girth but seems harder to attain for many people.

Set up your routine to target ligs and tunica so that you get the best of both worlds.

Originally posted by SlamInTheLamb
Lig gains are primarily for length - mainly flaccid

I’ve never heard that before - the part about lig stretch being mainly for flaccid length gains. What more can you say about that?
I’m curious.


I’m curious to!?

mr huge,

I would wager that your flaccid size incease is just a result of pulling on your dick so much - you will be pulling the whole shaft remember - and they would disappear after a few days off. 6 seems to be the LOT cut-off point for lig gains, so you might be able to squeeze a little more out of the ligs.

When we were all posting our LOT’s in the original thread, there were hardgainers primarily using the lower angles with LOT’s between 6-7:30, myself included in that group. So at these low angles gains will probably come quicker from tunica stretching. It’s up to you what routine to do really.



When stretching I don’t pull my whole shaft ( don’t grip just below the head) because my hand seems to slip of the dick. That’s why I always grip somewhere between base and midshaft , this way i can pull with more power also. Is it wrong if I pull it from there ?

Started: 6 dec 2003 15 may 2004 : 7.6 x 5.9 inches Want : 8 (nbp) x 6 (head) My photo

mr huge,

>That’s why I always grip somewhere between base and midshaft , this way i can pull with more power also. Is it wrong if I pull it from there ?<

No, if you find it better to pull from midshaft do it that way.


Originally posted by CaptnHook
I've never heard that before - the part about lig stretch being mainly for flaccid length gains. What more can you say about that?
I'm curious.


Maybe I got it wrong. But it makes sense to me that if the ligs are longer, your dick’s gonna exit the body lower and bring more of that inner penis out. I’m not saying that lig stretches won’t increase erect length but if you think about it, when we have an erection, it’s the tunica that fills up to capacity and the erection angle continues in roughly the same line as the tunica behind the pubic bone area, longer ligs would produce more of a lower erection angle effect (as well as some length).

In penile surgery for lengthening, the ligs are cut and downwards hanging is recommended post-op, the results of which fall mainly upon flaccid length (yes, I know it’s meant to increase erect length too, but there’s been many cases where the erect length has decreased)

If I’m wrong please correct me ‘cos now you’ve got me doubting my thoughts :)

Originally posted by SlamInTheLamb

If I'm wrong please correct me 'cos now you've got me doubting my thoughts :)

I’m in no position to correct you or anyone else. I didn’t know you were hypothesizing.
It is something to consider, though. Strictly gaining flaccid length and stalling in erect gains via lig stretch would be a serious mixed blessing. I hope it’s not a concern - I’m busting my ass at lower angles over here. I’d much more prefer erect gains than flaccid.

I too have heard of the post-op length paradox before - but I’ve never heard of a guy gaining flaccid length and loosing erect length from hanging.
I have noticed that most people who tell of a shorter post-op length also admit to not following through with hanging to cement the new length gain.

A definitive word or two from Bib, or SS4 or one of the other brains about this flaccid vs erect from lig stretch matter might help clear things up.

I’m also aware that PirateSteve has a great deal of knowledge about lig surgery. Maybe he could shed light.


I think there has been enough evidence over the years to support EL gains from lig stretching. :)

It seems fair to say that lig gains would have a better effect on flaccid size because of the exit point issue. It simply hangs lower because of that. Tunica gains also add flaccid size of course, because there’s more ‘meat’.



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