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Is jelqing even needed for length?

Is jelqing even needed for length?

I read somewhere that if lenght is goal, than jelqing is not needed. Because jelqing means girth only. And that stretching is the only way to get length. This came from someone who is know to be an expert, according to some that is. Thanks all!

You don’t need jelqing for length, but you can gain some length from jelqing.

<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?

Some length gains can come from jelqing, but really it’s a good idea to have at least some jelqing in your routine to condition your dick. Even if that means 5 or 10 minutes on your workout days.

Who knows if you even need jelqing at all?

Becoming.... Godsize

Jelqing to a PEer is like praying for a believer. AMEN ;)

Keep the blood flowing, or you’ll end up with a lame tail in the end!

...not buried yet, another 5" ahead!

KPR 0.072 @ Dec. 4, 2003

I got half an inch from hard-cord jelqing alone a few years ago, but after taking a break of about 2 1/2 weeks, the gain disappeared.

So I personally HAVE gotten a length gain from jelqing, but it wasn’t permanent.

It’s all subjective, my man.

I haven’t jelqed in like three or four months, and I’m gaining more now than I ever did when I was jelqing every day.

All I do now is stretching (by hand) and Extreme Ulies. Sure, I’ll probably hit a plateau soon, but until then, I’m through with jelqing.

Becoming.... Godsize

as pickle stated its subjective, I too haven’ t except on occasion done dry jelq (no more than 5 minutes) maybe once per week and have gained in length much faster then when combined with jelq. I read somewhere that to go for length first, as the larger the girth the slower the length gain due to resistance. I have during the last 5 months put on 1 inch in length and 1/8 in girth. I currently do manual stretches, occasional hanging ( maybe twice per month ) and extreme uli’s with twists.

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