Thanks everyone for the positive feedback! Hopefully, this will answer your questions about pump-hanging. First, yes I trully feel that girth increases have been a result of this method and here’s how I do it. Like most of us, after trying various methods of PE we’re convinced that hanging weights is king when it comes to stretching the ligs and or penis. And again, we have experimented with countless ways to attach weights to our dicks. Now while I have not tried the Bib hanger and have no doubts that it is a superior product and many, many guys have had excellent results with it, let me share how I pump-hang. This method evolved from a time in which my first and only routine involved pumping only. Well, as cool as that was and while I was getting some great pumps, I happened upon thunder’s place and became interested in stretching the ligs ands so forth. I soon discovered that while in the pump I could pull outward on the tube and exert a damn good amount of force outward thus simulating physical weight being hung from the penis. I also saw that I could exert this force in many directions- up, down , left and right. So it made sense to me that I could get the benefits of hanging and pumping in one exercise!! As more time passed I further reasoned that I could actually attatch weight to my tube with a simple Olympic weight plate. Now I could pump-hang hands free! The weights allow for an excellent straight-down lig stretch and when no weights are used, one can use his hand to pull the tube at high angles to the left and right to stress the tunica. I currently do both. So bottom line, the vacuum that secures the tube to your dick also allows you to attach weight or pull the tube manually the way I was explaining earlier. I hope this makes sense to all who are interested in this method. The device I use can be purchased completely from Walmart. It is an aquarium gravel cleaner device that I have attached a brass waterhose on/off switch to. I manually create the desired vacuum with my mouth and then close the vacuum with the on/off switch so that I am hands free. I wanted to include some pics of this device but my digital camera’s batteries are too low. But I promise to post these soon.!! I hope this post answers some questions about this method and again thanks for the positive feedback. Good luck to all!! JSG