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Judge caught pumping during trials WOW!


Do you think the judge stood up when he pronounced sentence?

"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


You know, this whole issue can cause a serious power vacuum in the courts.

Originally Posted by horsehung

Do you think the judge stood up when he pronounced sentence?

No horse, I don’t, because he didn’t. It was apparent early on that something just wasn’t quite right. I myself, found it a little peculiar how he handled some of the finer points of court etiquette, eg “Council may approach the bench, but not too close”, and “Get a move on, I have other things to do!”. Even when he nodded off, it was clear to most of us he wasn’t having the customary snooze at all, but merely gazing down. Then there was the single instance of “Silence in court”, accompanied by a strange background noise. The judge glared disdainfully in the direction of the stenographer, and she looked totally puzzled, rolled her eyes and passed out, in no time at all. After that, proceedings were conducted amid constant chatter, very distracting it was too.

Yes, something was clearly amiss, but I just couldn’t put my finger on it. It was only when the judge was announcing the sentence and there could be no mistaking that he said “Take ME down”, instead of HIM, that the awful truth began to dawn on me. Yes, everything fell into place.

So when the clerk completed the proceedings with “All rise for the judge and be on your way” I sort of dropped down out of sight and sure enough, in the silence of the empty room, His Honour, stood at last and there was a familiar sucking noise, as he removed his member from the chamber.

I made sure I was standing by now, where I could be seen, blackmail briefly crossing my mind. But I was more interested in the converter he used for his pump and he was more than helpful.

So all’s well that ends well and I even mentioned Thunders Place, so keep an eye on the newbies and you be the judge of who is spending an inordinate amount of time in the pumpers forum.


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You’re a pisser!! Lol. Lol. Lol.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg




"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


It also brought new meaning to “greasing his palm”, especially during clitigation… His wife claims that the rumors were false, as to them having to replace, oddly, the motor on their Electrolux every 2 years…..

There were several cases where he tried to place his member into the Jury Box, it would never fit tightly, and he was heard to angrily mumble “freakin cow p*ssy!”….. He was stated as saying: “just because I live in the Mid West, do you think I live in a VACUUM!!”…

Rumored to have a penchant for going to Ubangi and Bangkok… Several Lawyers tried to cleverly PUMP him for information, but he told them to stop SUCKING up to him…Background check shows he went to the University of Massachusetts, and was on the Debating Team, hence was a MEMBER of the Mass Debating Team…..

State officials became suspicious when most of his trials ended in a HUNG jury….

That man is my hero. I hope be like him some day…

In it for the long run (and the long one!).

Originally Posted by horsehung
You’re a pisser!!

Very funny Horse, I could quite easily see my way, to take this as slander. Should push come to shove and it does go to court, I think you should know, I have a very good friend at the highest level, who as we speak, is in a bit of a vacuum. Just for me, he would jump at this chance to piss on you and I can tell you now, that in this particular case, whilst he would measure things carefully, he’d rule for me, I’ve seen it all before, it’s pretty much, cut and dried.

To relieve the pressure on all concerned, it would be best if you settle quickly and quietly, out of court.
So you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours, You kiss my ass, I’ll (: maybe, maybe not.

Lmao, rouss.

Donate to Thunder's Place and help save the daffodils :spin2: , but remember to add an extra 30 cents every time :leftie:


You don’t intimidate me in the least. I have a friend in high places as well. In fact, at this very moment he’s in the thick of a delicate case, but when he’s finished, I’m sure he’ll take you on. But I advise against getting in a pissing contest with him. The situation is not as “cut and dried” as it might first appear to you. He’s known for outlandish “rulings” in such affairs.



"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


Originally Posted by horsehung
You don’t intimidate me in the least.

Oh I don’t! Well we’ll see about that, see you in court!!

Oh and since you have never seen me in the flesh Horse, as it were, I’ll be the one singing: ‘Money, money, money, ain’t it funny’. But not for you.

Donate to Thunder's Place and help save the daffodils :spin2: , but remember to add an extra 30 cents every time :leftie:

Ya’ll are to funny. This judge sure didn’t use very good judgement (no pun intended). I live here in Oklahoma and never even heard about it. I don’t watch TV much or read the papers. Never know what’s going on in the world until I hit Thunders.


Feb. 1, 04 BPEL-6 1/16 EG-5 1/2 (at circumscision scar) Current 6-6-04 BPEL- 6 5/8 EG- 5 1/2 First goal 7 inches BPEL


We don’t need all that distorted shit and twenty second sound bites on t.v. When we come up for air, we have the world according to Twatteaser,with his penile perspective.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


Originally Posted by blondelover
Never know what’s going on in the world until I hit Thunders.

You get all the news here blondelover? Must give a different slant to world events, but I know exactly what you mean, me too!

Must run along now, I am in the middle of a trial, just popped out while the judge was reaching a conclusion, he’s totally pumped up, largely by Horse, who’s not coming across awfully well at all, he’s milking every little thing for all it’s worth and it’s just not happening, for him, which is good of course, for me. He must be nearly finished by now, but I don’t know who could possibly be recording the proceedings as the replacement stenographer is indisposed, a male one this time, back ache problem I think, too much equipment to carry I would suspect. Oh the joys of being a skivvy.

So I’ll toddle back to keep an eye on things. See you later. I think we can safely say the drinks are on me, though of course I won’t actually be paying for them, so to speak.

Donate to Thunder's Place and help save the daffodils :spin2: , but remember to add an extra 30 cents every time :leftie:


Don’t pay any attention to Rouss. He’s in one of his delusional states. I have no doubt that the judge will rule in my favor. I just have to be careful when I approach the bench.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


Get away Horse, get off with you, now!!!??!!!! I’m not that deluded!

No-one will believe a word you say. I’m delirious, actually!

Donate to Thunder's Place and help save the daffodils :spin2: , but remember to add an extra 30 cents every time :leftie:


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