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just shockers for girth

just shockers for girth


I understand that for girth some exercises are more shocking than others to the penis shaft.
The most intensive ones seem to be squeezes and bends.
It might be stupid but I am curious to know how a penis would response if we would eliminate the ‘soft’ exercises like jelqing and just work with ‘shockers’? Anyone tried this?



I have tried some of the intensive girth exercises but not all of them. What I have found is that a few minutes of jelqing before them is a good idea because it primes and prepares the dick for something so intense. The dick is more pliable and expandable after you have done some jelqing first. More bendable too. It also ensures for a better hang afterwards which many believe is important to maximise girth gains. It is my belief that jelqing will make the other girth exercises work much better and effectively, for all of the above reasons.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

I basically do only squeezes, ULI’s, horses and some sort of dry jelqs as my girth workout for 20 minutes every other day. For me this works very well, I have gained 0.8 cm (1/3 of an inch) of girth in just 2 1/2 months. I would be happy if I could keep this pace up!
Jelqs as a warm-up routine are probably a good idea, I’ll try it before my next workout.

Cheers Faust (former tester)

"Denn wer ewig strebend sich bemüht, den können wir erlösen"

Goethe, Faust II

Hi Faust

I gained 0.5cm girth within 8 weeks so ‘shocking’ might work.
How do you do your squeezes? Do you squeeze both sides of the shaft or apply pressure upside-downside?

Thanks for your advice. I will do some jelqing before ‘shocking’ from now on.



Originally posted by Faust

Denn wer ewig strebend sich bemüht, den können wir erlösen

Yes, redemption through eternal struggle. An ancient & noble concept.

I do my squeezes in two ways: First the “traditional way” where you apply pressure both at the base and just below the glans. The second way is to pump your penis with kegels, squeeze as close to the base as possible and move that grip up half an inch or so (be careful with this!) to increase the pressure further. With this method I don’t use my other hand. I feel that espacially this mixture of squeezing and dry jelq has done a lot for my girth and the “veinyness” of my dick, but I got carried away sometimes and ended up with bad hematomas :-(

> Yes, redemption through eternal struggle. An ancient & noble concept.
I hope it holds true for my PE efforts :-)

"Denn wer ewig strebend sich bemüht, den können wir erlösen"

Goethe, Faust II

Faust wrote:
>I feel that espacially this mixture of squeezing and dry jelq has done a lot >for my girth and the “veinyness” of my dick, but I got carried away >sometimes and ended up with bad hematomas :-(

I suffer from such hematomas at present and have to keep things slow at the moment. Dry Jelqs leading to squeezes seem to work fine. I will give it a try as soon as my member will be ready again:)




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