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Just tried the rolling pin excercise for girth. Woo


Just tried the rolling pin excercise for girth. Woo

I read somewhere that you place your penis on a table, around standing height. You then apply a rolling pin, and press from base to tip. What a workout. This should flatten out the chambers pretty well, and the expansion was definite! I myself didn’t use a big rolling pin, but rather just one side of a canning jar lifter, or some people know it as a jelq device. Just thought id share.

I think this will be my new girth exercise, since I never really got the clamping thing down.

Any thoughts? Positives, negatives? Before I continue on my crazy ways lol!


I can’t imagine rolling my dick like a piece of dough. Wouldn’t this flatten it more than anything?

Be very careful! I think this is a dangerous practice, and has the potential to cause nerve damage.

This is a terrible exercise. You should NEVER apply that much pressure to the top portion of your dick, you can easily damage the dorsal nerves among other things. If you intend on doing this exercise you’re supposed to apply pressure to the sides, like a power jelq, rather than the top and bottom.

I also really like this exercise.

I’m on a break now unfortunately, but when I start up again I’m going to do these. When I used to finish with these my cock would feel massive.

Yes… it does flatten your cock out… making it wider and hence thicker.

I’m sure there is potential for injury but I had no problem with it. Oh… and I do it with a clamp on, lol… most people probably wouldn’t want to do this.

Originally Posted by vic20
This is a terrible exercise. You should NEVER apply that much pressure to the top portion of your dick, you can easily damage the dorsal nerves among other things. If you intend on doing this exercise you’re supposed to apply pressure to the sides, like a power jelq, rather than the top and bottom.

You can also do it to the sides, but I find doing it on the top easier and it also seems to work way better.

/Shrug it’s your dick, break it if you like. This is one of those situations where I have the overwhelming feeling of being really old and saying “crazy kids”

I have also read of this. One threaded using a clamp on just as Mick does. I think the thread was called ‘Extreme Clamping’. I tried it and I didn’t like it. It will end up flattening your unit and I want mine cylindrical.

I believe the object of PE is to lengthen your penis, not flatten it. Do a search for proven stretches and stick to them, why risk damaging tissue that takes weeks to recover from or worse.

I tried this exercise for a while and it gave really good expansion, but stopped because it also increased the size of my papules.

I am so frustrated increasing girth I put a 60% boner in a wooden vice today and pressed it to about 1/4”. As expected, didn’t change a damn thing, but no injury either. Felt kinda good……

Start: 5/3/05 BPFL: 5.00" FG: 3.75" BPEL: 6.25" EG: 4.75" BPFSL: 7.00"

6/21/06 6.00 4.65 8.25" 5.50" 8.80"

9/21/07 6.25" 4.75" 8.25" 5.65" 9.20"

Ewok- papules?

Slezak- I hope your kidding.

Originally Posted by kushextender
Ewok- papules?

small bump on skin: a small hard round protuberance on the skin, sometimes they are whiteheads, and fill with pus.

2007-01-27 5.3" BPEL 4.8" EG, Less than 3" Flaccid, and sometimes less than 2"

As of 12-07-2008 7.75" BPEL 7.1" NBPEL 5.7"MSEG 6"+ BSEG. Ultimate goal 8+ inches NBPEL, 8.5" BPEL 6.3" EG (2" diameter just sounds so cool!)

Flaccid 5+ inches on a good day. 4 1/2+ pretty much anytime. My gains have slowed to a snails pace, but I will not quit!!!!!!!

I have done this exercise before, it works really well. It won’t flatten your penis. It may make it wider, but it will never make it thinner in any direction. As far as causing nerve damage, that would depend on how much pressure you are using for the exercise. Nobody said you have to put all of your weight on your cock or anything. Do it with the amnount of pressure that yields good results. You will know pretty fast if you are using too much pressure, and on top of that, it is rather difficult to apply too much pressure during this exercise anyways.

Speaking of papules. I think I have quite a bit of them on the underside of my shaft, or the scrotum. I think I hav always had these white dots though, even as a young person. To me they seem more like ingrown hairs, or just hair “roots”. Now that you mention papules, this brings up a concern, since I think I can pop some of them.

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