I've Think My Ligs Popped!
Ok, I’ve read everything I can on Lig Popping but I need some reassurance here.
Today while I was doing Straight down Toilet Stretches I heard a crunch and felt a little give at the at the top of the base of my cock where it connects to the pubic bone. The first time didn’t bother me but after it happened again the next two sessions it simply scared the hell out of me.
Thought I was ripping my dick right off my body. I stopped all PE at this moment.
I have a very slight ache where the top of my base connects to the body but no other signs of injury.
This happened one time about a month ago but no pain and the next day I continued on with PE.
There is a very slight ache now but no pain or sign of bruising or anything abnormal with my dick.
I have read this is normal.
Give me some input on this. What should I do? Stop PE for awhile or continue on?
Fire shall reign from above as shards of heated shrapnel hurl savage kisses to mortal flesh and shattered bone below.
For days, the dead hung in the air as dust.