Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Listen to hypnosis tapes and your dick will GROW?


Hypnosis might work if you had ears on your dick!!

Originally Posted by drcrumble
This is total snake oil. If you need some “inspiration,” spend the $90 on porn.

Yep, hypnosis is snake oil and trance states are a farce… Meanwhile, advertisers and marketers who understand how to manipulate the mind’s “Critical Factor”, rake in billions from their ability to influence consumers perceptions of quality and value…

btw, did anyone catch last weeks episode of Penn and Teller’s Bullshit? It was about hypnosis and they interviewed this Wendi lady, and showed a funny scene of her performing the “ultimate orgasm” hypnosis on two hotties. It was comedic and pornographic gold :)

I missed that one. I assume that Penn and Teller slammed hypnosis as bullshit? That’s funny, considering what these guys do for a living. Would their tricks work without Penn Jillette’s patter? If you watched their magic show with the volume turned down, would their tricks have the same effect? You think this guy doesn’t know how to elicit a “willing state of disbelief”? You
think he’s not a master of presuppositions? You think he doesn’t put the audience in a trance state? What if you went to his show and yelled out BULLSHIT during every trick they performed?… :)

The sub-conscience controls all mechanisms of the body..

On a Very deep level.but think about this..

You see something highly erotic to you and you get an erection..

But that was using one of your senses.

And your senses are actually your brains interpretations

Of the surrounding environment.

Not the environment itself.

Your brain caused the erection.not the environment.

And from my research on hypnosis..

Your subconscious mind does not know the

Difference between imagination and reality.

I tell you not to imagine a pink elephant with purple

Spots laughing.and you see it right off..

Imagine a baseball field.and you see it..

But that’s just the beginning..

There are actual documented cases where mentally ill

Patients with multiple personalities have actually

Changed eye colors.that’s powerful!

And our glands are capable of producing the exact same

Amount of hormones as they did when we where

Children.but our bodies send out chemical messengers

To govern the process and slow it down..

I Am using self-hypnosis now and believe it to be the

Answer.why? You didn’t do exercises at 15 years old

And your penises grew..

But.I believe by doing

Jelqs while at this new “puberty” would be the way

To go.

But it will take research and commitment.

I will keep results posted at


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