Little Guideince Needed
I have been to this site for over a year now off and on. Never staying on a good routine trying new things all the time, but never seeing any results. Also I vary alot sometimes erect I am almost 6.75 little less other times pushing for 6.25 girth is good 5 to 5.25 length in the killer. What made me try and get some help I guess is the other night with my wife I was huge and it was great I think I was pushing close to 7. I workout alot and very active so it is hard to get alot time to PE also want to keep it to my self because my wife always says I am fine, but after the other night I know different. What I am asking is for some help for a good workout that will focus on the length I am past a beginner level but I can not find something that I feel is working, if I jelq I get tired before I think is helps at all. Stretching seems to help but again fatigue sets in. I know some you guys with experience will know some tricks of the trade. Sorry for the long post, but want to kind let you guys know hows it has been working for me and some others probable have the same problem.