Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

LOT here, get your LOT hot off the grill!

My question is whether or not anybody has tested and proven the “Raised LOT” theory by starting with a 6:00 LOT, raising it via high angle work, and then gaining length through low angle lig stretch?

Tom, you obviously have not had time to see to it, but I imagine this is your plan when you use the word “teeter-totter”?
Also, congrats on the gains. Amazing.

BTW - I am pretty sure Hobby is responsible for this addition to Bib’s LOT theory (props due Hobby).

Originally Posted by J Meister
Actually it was Mike Myers in the Linda Richman skit on SNL that used to say, “Okay, now talk amongst yourselves. Discuss!”

J Meister,

:worthy: I am very impressed. I only saw a few reruns of this skit but always thought it was funny. Thanks for clarifying my idiotic mistake.


"Yeah, we don't need another smart ass ... we have our share already." - ThunderSS

RearAdmiral Cap,

I agree that I believe it was Hobby. It seems everyone today is having to supply me with the proper names. Must have been too many cheese-wiz fumes as a kid. I also agree that Hobby needs a round of applause for putting that idea in my head to even bother trying to wreak havoc with my LOT.


My bpfsl has always come up short of my erect length. I think (I seem to be off today so take this with a grain of salt) that luvdadus is the strong believer of the bpfsl being longer than or equal to the EBPL. Most people seem to do this but me and one other person whom I can’t remember had this problem. So my nbp flaccid has gotten a little bigger not an inch but a little more. The bpfsl I have is only around 5 inches. I can only think of one exception is one time I was really hot wrapping for a while and I stretched my flaccid out like silly putty after that.

I should have started a progress thread but now it is so late in the game for me that I almost feel silly doing one now. I was sitting at the 6 inch mark for so long it was embarrassing that I never bothered too. Besides I have big ruler phobias unless the girlfriend is around and I won’t see her for another month at best, so I go on my best guess when I have a few moments of 100% erection. The rest of the time I seem to be only getting about a 6.75” at ~85-90% percent erection level. There is only one time I was able to get a 7” and when I realized it I was so shocked I wanted to get a ruler and lost it. So to sum it up a progress report may be kind of boring to read.


I always try to do a 5 on 2 off but usually I get too fatigued to do that. So it usually ends up being a 2-3 on 1-2 off schedule depending on how I am feeling. I wish I could hang everyday but my penis is wimpy in that sense. The wrap that I am using right now is a self-adhering Ace bandage which I should switch to sweatshirt material with a strip of Theraband over that. All I can is that Theraband is great stuff. It has helped a lot with slippage. That is more hanging material so I will try to keep that out of the main forum.

I really haven’t had any skin soreness with the Wench because I have a lot of give in my skin. It is either genetic or too many years of manual stretching. I still am having some small problems with soreness from the Wench but this is more of a cable clamp problem that has surfaced recently. Mainly the bottom connection piece for the two sides pushing into the top of my shaft. No nerve damage or numbness just makes it uncomfortable. I am moving it up and down the shaft for now but this might be a case of not enough upper shaft girth and having to tighten the clamp too much. I am in no way a Wench expert, so if you are having trouble with the Wench you should ask the ReadAdmiral Cap or some of the geniuses in the hanger forum.

Thanks for all the positive comments, I appreciate some of the famous PE’ers leaving comments here. :D


"Yeah, we don't need another smart ass ... we have our share already." - ThunderSS

Originally Posted by Tom Foolery

My bpfsl has always come up short of my erect length. I think (I seem to be off today so take this with a grain of salt) that luvdadus is the strong believer of the bpfsl being longer than or equal to the EBPL. Most people seem to do this but me and one other person whom I can’t remember had this problem.-TF

That would be more Mr Tom. My bpel is almost 7 while my bpfsl is at least an inch shorter.

This is an absolutlely encouraging read, are there any plans to bring the ligs back down?


When my lot reached 6 o’clock I started jelqing and stretching upwards. I am at 9 o’clock now and gained another 1/4 inch in the process. I don’t think I’ll ever be a hanger, but I won’t completly rule it out in the future. :)

K man, that is exactly what I have been doing. When I jelq now, I am concentrating more on the upward stretch than expansion. I hope I can crank my LOT up by this and when I go back to hanging, take it back down. I make it sound too easy, but I think it will work and Tom and you are an inspiration to my thoughts on this. I love hanging but hate the upper positions.


I appreciate the report, K.

Okay I am re-hijacking my own thread. So make way Bruce Lee. I forgot all about this little thread so pardon my absence. I usually only post where “normal” members see it when Thunder isn’t looking, so keep this under wraps.

As of yesterday, I officially stopped hanging upper angles. I can say with certainty that my LOT was a dead 6 and is now in the 10:30-11:00 range. I use a range because I believe that it is not a set point but a gradual switch of pulling from the base/ligs to the tunica.

I really did want to hit high noon but I felt it was just not worth the effort at this juncture. I also noticed that my EA (erection angle) was about what it was when I first started hanging. Last night was also the first time in 11 months that I felt the glory of the lig stretch. As they used to say in the Toyota commercials: “Oh, what a feeling.”

My final gains from upper angles is a bit of a mystery (some psychological ED still plagues me), but I can say one thing for certain - and maybe only one. When I first started PE, I could hold my bone pressed erection in one hand with no problem, and now it requires two full hands to hold the python. That to me is actually a bigger milestone than a number on the ruler.

Hopefully in the near future I will lose all semblances of my psycho-ED and be able to report a solid measurement to the forum. I estimate that I probably gained between 1.25-1.50 inches total from upper angles. Now I plan to drop my LOT (again) with SD hanging and maybe some ADS.

If I may make one suggestion, if you hate upper angle hanging try doing ADS. I just started doing that in the last few weeks when I hit a plateau hanging and let me tell you; it was like being a newbie all over again. So remember to vary those routines however you feel comfortable. (I feel like I am channeling SS4Jelq or Bib here. Freaky.)

There you have it folks, and sorry no pictures. I am considering doing some for girth gains, but no one seems to care about those like the length pics. :)

Feel free to ask any questions, or throw rotten eggs at the thread. I just didn’t want anyone thinking I am dead. (Although it did work for Elvis before he went with the aliens.)

-Tom “Thread Killer” Foolery

P.S. - Thunder do you have a pension package for old time PE’ers? I am feeling old now.

"Yeah, we don't need another smart ass ... we have our share already." - ThunderSS

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Where the hell is Alice?

Mr. Thunder, I think I saw Alice under the bridge at the last Hobo Association meeting. He was talking to his pet monkey “Chompers” and scratching behind his ear like he had fleas. Alice’s ear that is, not the monkey’s. No one dared touch that damned thing, it was a walking pair of teeth that could play the harmonica quite well.

I miss that monkey…

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Nope, no pension Mr. Foolery. And your package is entirely your own responsibility.

Actually my girlfriend says the same thing about my package. Have you been talking to her?

In terms of pensions: maybe I can write “Tom’s memoir: memories of someone else” and retire off of that.

Speaking of missing members - where the hell is hobby? I swear I haven’t seen him in ages. It’s been a while since I saw that hairy foot avatar.

-Tom “100% Whole Wheat” Foolery

"Yeah, we don't need another smart ass ... we have our share already." - ThunderSS

One more thing Mr. Thunder - where did all these new people come from? I feel like it is the first day of school all over again and I don’t know anyone.

Well, if I am writing the book I have to include the fact that I met Al Gore. If I do make my millions writing the memoirs, I am buying you a new car Thunder. No kidding, any car with a Mattel on it can be yours. Most of them come with the flame decal too. ;)

Seriously - when I travel the country I have three people I want to meet: Thunder, DW, and Twat. I am curious to know who is going to get the restraining order first. What do you think Thunder? Can we start a pool on this?

-Tom “Road Kill” Foolery

"Yeah, we don't need another smart ass ... we have our share already." - ThunderSS

Edit: I forgot to add that I can borrow my Uncle Frank’s Winnebago to go on my road trip/promo tour, so I will have plenty of beer in the ol’ Coleman. The only problem is that it belches oil like a chain smoker at a Bingo hall, but heck I will bring a nice portable TV that I got in ‘89 to watch Sunday football. We can sit out on the front lawn and throw beer cans at the old lady across the street. It will be a lot of fun Thunder, I promise.

Heck I am including a picture of me just so you don’t call the cops when I show up.

-Tom “Stay out of my swimming Pool!” Foolery

Tom Foolery.webp
(13.3 KB, 60 views)

"Yeah, we don't need another smart ass ... we have our share already." - ThunderSS

Hi Tom,

First I congratulate you for your gains.

I have a question regarding your erection angle. What was when you started?

I understood that your LOT was at 6 when you started hanging only at upper angles.

My is was at 7 and I have hang BTC all together 4, 5 months and maybe I have gain 0,2 inch, not sure.

Now I reach 18 lbs hanging weight, and I think is time to hang at upper angels, and hope some gains will came.

But still my erection angle is the same as in the beginning, at 11 .

I don’t understand why my erection angle is so high, but my LOT is so low.

Can you help me with this question?

Thanks for your comment.



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