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Low LOT Club?

Low LOT Club?

I’m officially a low LOTer today. The Loss of tugback occurs at six o’clock or about that.

Is there a separate group in this forum where all the people with low LOTs can learn from each other’s experience, hanging at high angles and all?

If not I think there should be.

My LOT started high, and pretty much plummeted to ~7:30 after 4 months of hanging. I’ve gotten some gains, and I am still hanging SD, and still getting gains. LOT isn’t a law, but a tool to help you determine your routine. A low LOT isn’t a condemnation to no/low gains.

Starting: 6.5 X 5 EBP 4 X 4.1 Flaccid .........................Break: 7.563 X 5.5 EBP 5.25 X 4.375 Flaccid

Restart: 7.12 X 5.12 EBP 4.5 X 4.5 Flaccid

Goal: Somewhere between "Oh my God!!" and the end of blowjobs.

I just figured out my LOT, I think

So I did the tug and I stop getting recoil at about 7:00. I guess this is low? Now do I need to hang at a high angle like strait out or high angle at say 11:00? Kind of confused by the term “high” angle. Thanks everyone!

j7158, I know you are right. I guess I just was a little depressed to find that out, my new low LOT. I’m focusing right know in high angles and hoping to get some gains from it.

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