Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



While updating my stats at the Data Site yesterday (a great list and an inspiration to many), I got to thinking about Maintenance: What you do when you’ve attained your goal and just want to keep what you have, not adding more.

I don’t believe that PE is permanent for everyone. It apprarently is for some, but is “semi-permanent” for others who may lose some length after having “cemented” their gain, or some girth, or both. I have a theory, unproven, that for guys in the “semi-permanent” group, you don’t revert all the way back to your size when you began PE, but you may lose some of it if you don’t continue some modified program of working out.

So, my question to those of you who have more or less quit the hard work of very regular PE routines, what do you find works best? what regimen keeps you where you want to be. And I’d also like to hear from those who haven’t needed to do anything at all in PE to keep their gains.




I think these guys should do the same routine, but less time.

If you were stretching for 30 min, and jelqing for 20, 5 on 2 off, cut your routine in half or more, but do it everyday.

Or, just work past what you want, then stop and cement lol.

Did you know America ranks the lowest in education but the highest in drug use? It's nice to be number one, but we can fix that. All we need to do is start the war on education. If it's anywhere near as successful as our war on drugs, in no time we'll all be hooked on phonics

- Leighann Lord

Originally Posted by gameofinches
I think these guys should do the same routine, but less time.

If you were stretching for 30 min, and jelqing for 20, 5 on 2 off, cut your routine in half or more, but do it everyday.

Or, just work past what you want, then stop and cement lol.

Second that

Great topic, Avocet! I know that many of the vets are not actively PE’ing any more…

Myself, I only started Jelqing after reaching my length goal, and I’m finding the light jelquing routine + supplementation with Ginko Biloba has helped to keep me around my goal size.


It may take awhile to get responses from the vets who got their goals and now don’t come here often. But we do have some vets here who do mostly maintenance and I’m curious to know how much maintenance they have to do or if they don’t need maintenance at all.



It seems my cemented size has been 7.75-8(varied) BPx5.75 without any PE or maintenance for 2 years, and a starting size of 6.5x5.25 six years ago. My maximum size while I was PE’ing was 8.25x6.25, so there has been some shrinkage that happened right after I stopped PE. I’m willing to bet that if I did as little as a 10 minute clamp session or two per week I could have maintained it at noticably larger size.

Originally Posted by MDC
I’m willing to bet that if I did as little as a 10 minute clamp session or two per week I could have maintained it at noticably larger size.

I wonder if there is such a thing as “tunica memory”, you know, like “muscle memory”. It would be interesting to see if you would gain a little or revert back completely to your maximum size if you did some light jelqing or clamping once every few weeks.


I’d say there is some sort of “memory” to the penis and enlargement. I started a clamp routine about two weeks ago, and within days I was back at a very solid 6.25” midshaft girth. It hasn’t gone up noticably since then.

Based on my experience with various forms of PE, decon breaks, etc,, I’d think a couple weeks of 10-15 minute jelq sessions, on a 1 day on, 1-2 days off schedule, three or four times a year should be plenty. Monitor results and adjust as needed.

Started: 2/03, Finished: 5/06, Total Gains: 1.375” BPEL 1.5” EG, Details: Progress after a year or longer off?

Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible—M. C. Escher

Originally Posted by MX
Based on my experience with various forms of PE, decon breaks, etc,, I’d think a couple weeks of 10-15 minute jelq sessions, on a 1 day on, 1-2 days off schedule, three or four times a year should be plenty. Monitor results and adjust as needed.

Do you keep a detailed log of your PE’ing? I’d like to know of any trends you have seen in your data if you do.

I’ve been keeping a detailed record of my PE’ing in hopes of identifying optimal jelq angles, clamping times, workout frequency etc.

What I’m most interested in is whether the overload principle applies to the penis. Specifically, are increasingly heavier workloads the only way to produce results?

I believe, the best scenario for those semi-permanent people would be to have a true goal and a upper goal that they have to reach in order to cement the gains they already have. I wouldn’t want to continue to do maintenance work on my penis if I didn’t need too.

I think that we’re going to have to be in the “Penis Gym” forever. I’ve been reading some the older threads and it seems to me that the gains are not permanent. I guess it’s a little like body building. If you stop, after a while, you will lose bulk.

I remember watching a program on discovery or some channel like that and they showed how they made someone, who was stunted in growth, taller. They did this by breaking their bones and separating them with a contraption that kept the two parts close together so that the bone would build a bridge and thus making them stretch. This makes me think that the only way that we can get some permanence in length gains is through stretches that create micro-tears and then wear a stretcher that keeps the penis stretched while cells are building a bridge to repair these tears.

Girth might be made permanent by some serious clamping that also produces micro-tears and then the penis must be allowed to remain hard for as long as possible while the cells are repairing themselves.

If the midgets can keep their height, I can’t keep our length and girth gains using the same principles. Otherwise, I think that we have to be in the “gym” to remain “pumped”.

Another thought I had was that having sex regularly probably keeps things from degrading from a “stable penile profile” that your body has for you. In other words, each one of us has a penis size that does not change so long as we continue to use it according to our sex drive. So, the “Use it or lose it” saying might be right.

So with this in mind and listing to the veterans who have taken a hiatus from PE, I came up with an idea. It seems that most of us who stopped PE for long periods have lost 3/4” in length and 1/2” in girth. What if.our goal is to achieve 8x6 (for example) that we try for a 9x6.5. That way, when we quit, as long as we have sex on a steady basis (1-7 times per week, depending on you libido) our penises will shrink to the new “stable penile profile” that we have set for ourselves.

What do you think? Is this a bunch of crazy talk, or am I making any sense?

Originally Posted by RioBravo
I wonder if there is such a thing as “tunica memory”, you know, like “muscle memory”. It would be interesting to see if you would gain a little or revert back completely to your maximum size if you did some light jelqing or clamping once every few weeks.

There may be some element of tissue “memory.” But it takes me more than jelking once every two weeks for me to stay where I was.

I tried a full workout every two weeks intitially. That wasn’t quite enough. Once a week works pretty well. If I do get behind through laziness, it is very easy to get a half inch of length back; much easier than the time it took to gain it initially. If I workout every day for five or six days, I’m back on top and can then get lazy again.



Originally Posted by dabone

So with this in mind and listing to the veterans who have taken a hiatus from PE, I came up with an idea. It seems that most of us who stopped PE for long periods have lost 3/4” in length and 1/2” in girth. What if.our goal is to achieve 8x6 (for example) that we try for a 9x6.5. That way, when we quit, as long as we have sex on a steady basis (1-7 times per week, depending on you libido) our penises will shrink to the new “stable penile profile” that we have set for ourselves.

What do you think? Is this a bunch of crazy talk, or am I making any sense?

I think that’s an amusing theory, dabone, but I am not about to go back to PE full time to gain that much more just to be able to shrink to wherever. Took too long to get here. :)

There is sense to the “use it or lose it” theory but it tends to work more in the area of gaining penile “efficiency” than size. However, frequent erections could be a factor in staying where you are, at least, and that is certainly worth paying attention to.



I don’t know about maintaining gains too welll.

Yeah…I’m coming off an 8 month slacker break which saw me lose .5” of BPSFL and almost 1” of BPEL. Considering the fact that I only gained 1.25 of both that BPEL loss is huge!!! A once a week jelq session seems easy now in retrospect…LOL


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