Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Major Urgent Right Now Question!!!


Originally Posted by dickey
I’m a vet myself. I frequent another pe forum which is more my style and much more people friendly.I know why newbies shouldn’t be doing any advanced exercises,but I appreciate the explanation.

I wonder which forum that is because I find it difficult to imagine a forum that is much more people friendly then thunders.

True that jigggaaa.. :)

Well I don’t know to much about the horse exercise, but I do know of a couple of places where they charge you for what’s offered here for free. I don’t have a problem with putting in some more effort in my posts (even though this is my first one), and I don’t see why there is even a dispute over the topic, if you don’t want to follow the rules, either don’t post or leave. :)

Originally Posted by dickey
I’m a vet myself. I frequent another pe forum which is more my style and much more people friendly.I know why newbies shouldn’t be doing any advanced exercises,but I appreciate the explanation.

People are pretty friendly here and I am on a lot of forums. The thing about the internet is that anybody from around the world can log on. If you were fairly new to English or it’s your second language would you understand a sentence like this:

“i am new too jelking and i am trying to figer out whats best for me, i am 6 years old and have a big 9inch cock butt wood like to have something bigger, tired of my skinny girth cuz da gansta chicks love a guy who packs a 9 butt doznt shoot 22s and that is kinda what im doing and i want by balls a swingin wouldnt you cuz i wood”

It’s basically common courtesy even to the fluent English speakers. It’s like saying “I will take the time to constuct my post for you to read easily and effortlessly if you take the time to answer it”. I understand that many people are not as talented as others with their knowledge of the English language and that’s fine. Improper punctuation or misuse of words is fairly common as the spell checker does not pick up on this, however, it is pretty obvious when somebody is just being lazy. I can’t stand it when I have to read a post several times to make sense of it because somebody didn’t want to burn the extra calorie to hit the “period” key.

Lastly, the person who owns and operates the forum makes the rules. If you started a forum in which we had to speak pig latin in order to post and I wanted to post, well, I would speak pig latin or not post at all. Seriously, is coherent posting really a bad thing on this website?


Mr. Gutus P. Scrambler III Esq.

Gut Scramblin' goodness.

I don’t post much here because of the ridiculous grammar issues you have here.get real,who gives a shit really?? This board is not English class.

Well dickey maybe you shouldn’t post then if you have issues, I don’t want people reading my posts thinking I want a penis bigger than my I.Q. , And besides it is common courtesy so chill out, grow a HUGE COCK and find the happiness we have and follow the guidelines .

First off, the longer I am here the more I realize that newbie’s think they can jump into any exercise. Even though at the top of every advanced routine it says DANGER do not try if you are new.

Second Dickey if the boss tells you something you did wasn’t right you say, “sorry sir I will try not to do it again” Of all the members you can’t say “wank off” to. Mr Thunder would be the one. Getting kicked out of here would really suck for me and would take a lot of motivation away. Not to mention the huge amount of knowledge I gain here about PE.

Hey, I just look at it as free english lessons!

I have learned to write better english here at Thunder’s because of the good spell check system. Really nice.

When I first came here, half of my writing was wrong, now I get almost everything right.

----- Feb 2004 - 5.0 EG x 6.0 BPEL----- Feb 2006 - 5.6 EG x 8.0 BPEL

Back after a long break. New goals, new techniques, happy to be back.

Every gathering forum worth belonging to has some rules of decorum. I’m glad Thunder’s doesn’t require a tie, because that would interfere with my PE.

What you believe means nothing.

How you love means everything!

Slender I’m sure we could incorporate a tie into a useful PE device if it comes to that .:)

I hate lazy posts. Slang just doesn’t cut it on a forum. It is sloppy and gives everyone a bad impression about yourself .


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