Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Many long, one short?

Many long, one short?

In regards to manual stretching, I’m interested on opinions of whether to hold a stretch as long as possible, or to stretch many times during a given time period. For instance, during a 15 minute session, you could do about 7 two-minute stretches, 15 one-minute, or 30 thirty-second stretches. Is one method more advantageous than the other. Maybe more stretches creates more microtears, maybe the opposite.

One foot to go

I would have thought that the longer you are able to apply any particular stretch, the greater the benefit derived.

If you think about when you go to the gym and you stretch before exercise, you always do gradual stretches slightly increasing the intensity with each stretch. You never “bounce” the stretch.

I think that the same principle applies here.

The limiting factor would almost always be the failure of your grip. I know mine is.


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