Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Map Your Angle (Stretching/Hanging)

Map Your Angle (Stretching/Hanging)

Something I see a lot is people mentioning different angles at which they are stretching/hanging. We can use the left side of a clock idea to help us when we are measuring our LOT. However, when we speak of an angle that we’re stretching our penis, say, to the left, we really have no way of giving a more exact idea of what we’re doing with our penises.

I may be wrong when I say that, it’s quite possible that I haven’t seen it.

So, I’m going to use a way of giving “coordinates” so that when I need help I’ll be able to tell whomever is helping exactly where my penis is when I’m stretching it.

Keeping the same 6:00/straight down 12:00/straight up idea that we use with our LOT, I’ll also use a clock to give the location of my penis to my right and left. 12:00 being straight out; 9:00 being extreme left; 3:00 being extreme right.

How will I be writing this?

Well, I’ll be using the x,y axis idea that we use in math. The 12:00-6:00 clock used to get the LOT will be my y axis. The x axis will be used to map my penis to the left and right.


X-2:00; Y-10:00

Let’s say I was talking to Bib and he was helping me, he’d have a pretty good idea what it is exactly that I’m stretching. He’d know that I’m holding my penis at the 10:00 LOT angle, and to the right at the 2:00 angle.

I wanted to post about it so I can have something to link back to when I ask for help. I’m going to be asking eventually from the way things are looking at this point. Also, I think it’s kind of a good idea and other people might want to use it.

I’ve made a crude illustration, note that I have the y-axis image on the left side and the x-axis image on the right. This was a mistake. When giving a 3D coordinate of a penis stretch using this mapping system, I’ll be using the typical x,y format.

(8.3 KB, 126 views)

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

Last edited by KOG : 06-14-2003 at .

Convenient way of expressing.

If I understand you correctly,

X axis = vertical, Y axis = horizontal?

If so, my normal erections are approx

X-10:00; Y-10:30-11:00 (sort of a bend to the left,

not a curvature, but angled from the base).

Most of my stretching is done above 10:00 LOT, with a few 9:00’s.

And I use a modifed A, also got a good stretch by draping it over a rod & pulling downward, then putting it under the rod & pulling upwards.


The X axis would be horizontal, as in to your left or right; the Y axis is verticle, as in up and down.

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

nice drawing!!! is dt ur dwing anyway?!!


I’m not sure what dt is, so I have a feeling it isn’t mine. :-/

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

I’ve just noticed that since I’ve been PEing, my erection has moved slightly to the left. As of now, I think my erection is around X - 11:45, Y - ~10:30

I haven’t PEd for a week (lost all gains, too. I’m back down to 5.75”) because I’ve been busy with school all day and I pretty much get on the puter to look stuff up and visit Thunder’s and get to bed. I’ve tried squeezing it in at various points during the day; I’m going to have to start getting up earlier in the morning and doing it before classes.

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

Fauven, I know this is off topic, but what happened to your little PE Journal site?

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