Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



I say if you want to spank your monkey - spank it! I don’t think that an ejaculation is going to negate stretched and micro-torn ligs and tunica. I will say again that I am convinced that ADS or ANS is one of the keys to growth - that is keeping it stretched a little as it heals. Just my HO.

Happy spanking


Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

I think if you cum directly after you are done it will interfere and possibly slow gains. What I was suggesting, as well as the site I mentioned, was between sessions you should get a good boner and jack off. Like 2 hours after you did your session. This will allow you to get used to it quicker and make gains quicker, or atleast that is what the site said. Do what lil said, try it and find out for yourself.

It's still not big enough!

Guys, the FILES section of
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has some good reasons not to ejaculate, but I firmly believe it’s an individual thing, as our bodies are all different, so the individual simply must determine what works best for him.

Case in point: I have a buddy who at age 62 is still a sex maniac, and every time he pops a boner he seems to feel compelled to ejaculate, almost like "that stuff’s bad - I’ve got to get it out of my body".

To Yours Truly, OTH, semen is like money in the bank, and there’s a great deal of potential power in having a large bank account. Maybe I’m just power mad, but you get the point: it’s an individual thing.

My 2 cents.



"Sadly, however, seconds after its launch, it undergoes SMEF, or Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure,and disappears." Douglas Adams

Last edited by Tex3 : 07-11-2002 at .

Hey William

I think masturbation without ejaculation is good for PE, too. I always try to get a good woody after a workout. When I do masturbate to ejaculate, I try to last a while. For me, it seems like a short masturbation period is not as good as a long one. Also, I remember a PE book I bought years back and I didn’t think much of it then, but now it I might examine the method more closely. It consisted of obtaining an erection while trying to use as little touch as possible. Then go close to orgasm, but stop. You’re supposed to do this 5 or 6 time a day for 5 days a week or something like that. It might be a good addition or alternative to try. Take it easy.


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