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Measuring girth

Measuring girth

As I imagine this applies to many of us, I thought I would share this method with you, and ask for comments.

When I measure, the ol’ boy is very ruler shy, yet another reason for using another object (or as I did a few weeks back actually go to the bathroom and measure while in the middle of sex LOL).

However, have come across a good way of measuring girth, but maybe it is cheating a little.

A get a little pumped, place my balls between my legs, squeeze them (legs) together (maybe walk a little or twist ) do a few kegels and watch my hard-on rise (leaving the balls tucked away). Even when I can’t get stiffy, this always seems to work.

I get a good measurement and it doesn’t subside while measuring. The only point is when I measure with a normal erection, I measure 13.6cm girth (about 5.375”) and in this way it reads 14cm (5.5”).



Try measuring a nocturnal erection or waking wood sometime and tell me if you get a larger girth reading than you normally do.

Btw, sounds legit the way you’re doing it. Maybe that ball squeeze thing is just a super turn-on for you?



Sounds good, besides do we really care how big the damn thing is when we are solo? If you are with a partner you will be turned on and, I believe, a bit bigger.

I expect that 5.5 is probably more accurate than 5.375 as far as what your girth is while humping away. Were you 5.5 when you measured durring sex?

Running a Massive Co-Front.


I get this really funny mental picture of you doing the little ball dance and twist. Can you cam it?

Dino :)


That kind of thing costs money…..


Actually, when I ‘measured’ during sex, I just had the sudden impulse to measure as it looked bigger than when PEing, so I made an excuse to go to the john and grab old of my shaving can (which is another thing I use as guide) and it was a fraction longer then usual. However, I didn’t mesure the girth (didn’t even actually occur to me - from now on I’ll have to leave a tape in the bathroom ;) ).


How do you measure the girth at the base? Do you press in some or just touch the belly with the tape? Also, how do you measure the size of the head, along the backside of it (which is kind of inclined 45 degrees compared with the floor when erect) or just around it?


As for the head, most run the tape around the rim, where the head is the widest. Makes sense to me. As to base girth, I don’t have a true measurement there as the further you go back the more the sac, top ligs etc come into play and can distort the measurement


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