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Methods of using heat

Methods of using heat

I have a heat-pad that I used to use before hanging. It is OK but it takes a while to get up to temperature and is inflexible so not ideal to use.

I seem to get a better effect by using wet heat i.e a flannel soaked in hot water and then applying it. It is easier to wrap around than the heat-pad but the flannel cools down quickly and I need to re soak the flannel continuously which is cumbersome whilst hanging and the water in the bowl soon cools down.

I have spent far too much money on PE equipment and do not want to buy a heat lamp.

I want to try out a rice sock or something similar if you have any suggestions.

How long does the rice sock retain it’s heat after it has been heated?
Are there any instructions, do’s and dont’s to making a rice sock on this site?

Rice Sock


A rice sock is a good way to warm your pubic area, what you do is get a sock pour in some uncooked rice, maybe a 1 cup full in the sock. Tie off the one end or stitch the end, then put it in the microwave until it’s warm enough. It should last for about 15 min. when applied. You can take the other end that isn’t tied, if the sock isn’t to full and push over the whole penis up to the pubic bone.

Starting Stats 7/15/05 -- Flaccid L 3.375"x Flaccid G 2.125", BPEL 5.250" x EG 3.750"

Stats as of 11/17/07-- Flaccid L 6.000"x Flaccid G 5.6875", BPEL 8.000" x EG 6.125"

Long Term Goal: BPEL 9.000"x EG 6.500" Dusty

Solarwind. Don’t spend anymore. PE isn’t good when it sends you broke!

Listen here; the way you do it now is great. I use the same way. It is excellent because you can massage the cock, whilst warming up.

Two huge tips for you:

1) Use a cloth like the one you would do the dishes with; they absorb water, thus, don’t cool down as quick.

2) Make the water HOT, and then wait for it to cool down till it is bearable. This way you get the water when it is HOT- going to very warm, then cool. If you wait for the water to be bearable for your cock (still quiet hot), your washcloth will stay hot enough for well over 5 minutes. Good luck


Go to a health foods store and buy “Winter wheat berries”, uncooked, in the bulk bins. Use these instead of rice for your warmup pad. They’re a larger grain, take longer to break down, and hold the heat longer than rice. I don’t use rice anymore. Also, after you’re as warmed up as possible using the rice sock, get a quart mason jar and fill it with water as hot as you can handle and then stick your pecker into it, pushing it against your pubis so as to make a good seal. Keep that on there for three minutes and you are hella’ warmed up my man. I find that the immersion in H2O is what really blasts my dick into a really loose/heated state. Try it, you won’t be dissappointed.

I also feel that getting your dick this hot keeps discoloration down to practically nil.

I don’t workout until I’ve heated my unit to a bright red color.

I’m using a wheat-bag originally obtained for heat/aroma-therapy. Works a treat, heat for about 2-3mins in the microwave and it stays nice and warm for at least 20mins as it has plenty of mass. You get a good wrap too, as it’s big enough to enclose everything :up:

Also, it’s large enough to warm your hands too, very useful.


Life is not a rehearsal... we only get one go at it so make sure it's worthwhile!

Started 12 Sep 2005 BPEL=5.75" EG=4.7" Current 19 Apr 2006 (7 months) BPEL=+0.8" EG=+0.4" :up:

my stats

Last edited by keraunophile : 01-30-2006 at .

Some great ideas, thanks guys.

Originally Posted by keraunophile
…a wheat-bag originally obtained for heat/aroma-therapy…

The one I use is here: Tisserand Aromatherapy | Pure Essential Oils | Natural Wellbeing and Skincare - see Lavender Wheat Cushion half-way down the page.

Life is not a rehearsal... we only get one go at it so make sure it's worthwhile!

Started 12 Sep 2005 BPEL=5.75" EG=4.7" Current 19 Apr 2006 (7 months) BPEL=+0.8" EG=+0.4" :up:

my stats

I always PE in front of my infared heat lamp ($20). IR actually penetrates 2 cm into the body to directly heat the inside of your penis. I also get about an inch more stretch with the IR lamp than I can without and never had any injuries (knock on wood). If your interested in IR lamps so a search and you’ll find out a lot more.

I have found the “rice sock” method the best for $0.00. Doesn’t matter to me what the contents are (mine is just rice) but give it a 60 second zap in the microwave on High and you can mould the sock to heat the entire genital area for up to 10 -15 minutes, just re zap as needed.
However, I will be getting myself an IR lamp soon, as I like the idea of constant heat being applied and the ability to continue exercising at the same time.


Start 03 BPEL - 5 7/8" EG - 5 1/8" Current Jan 06 BPEL - 7 1/8" EG - 5 5/8" Goal December 06 BPEL 8" EG - 6"

Save your money. Even rice, and socks cost money. I’m no tightass, but all I’m trying to say is you shouldn’t have to spend a cent on this.


Just tried the rice sock and have to say it is better than the heatpad I bought last year.

Heats up in about 1 and 1/2 minutes.

Have to be careful not to get it too hot though.

Originally Posted by solarwind
Just tried the rice sock and have to say it is better than the heatpad I bought last year.
Heats up in about 1 and 1/2 minutes.
Have to be careful not to get it too hot though.

Yeah, be careful with the temp that you heat it to!! If too hot, just knead it around in the hands for a little while to allow the excess heat to dissipate.

BTW, I use an extender as part of my PE routine and I have found that applying the rice sock whilst in the extended state and then viewing porn and working up an erection and doing PC flexes, gives me the BIGGEST girth balloon! I can only compare it to what I have read about the infra red heat use.


Start 03 BPEL - 5 7/8" EG - 5 1/8" Current Jan 06 BPEL - 7 1/8" EG - 5 5/8" Goal December 06 BPEL 8" EG - 6"

Originally Posted by PEworked4me
BTW, I use an extender as part of my PE routine and I have found that applying the rice sock whilst in the extended state and then viewing porn and working up an erection and doing PC flexes, gives me the BIGGEST girth balloon! I can only compare it to what I have read about the infra red heat use.


Just to clarify this post a little more, Yes, the extender device is worn whilst doing this and I also love edging several times as well, really works that PC Muscle and contributes to the ballooning effect.


Start 03 BPEL - 5 7/8" EG - 5 1/8" Current Jan 06 BPEL - 7 1/8" EG - 5 5/8" Goal December 06 BPEL 8" EG - 6"

I use infrared heat, love it.

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