Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Missing persons

Missing persons

Zekeman, dfb70UK, Troy8.

You guys still around? I’m sure I’m not the only one that is wondering. Let us know what you are up too. Some of you other guys that haven’t posted in quite awhile, get with it.

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I'm Back!! ALmost!

Hey Dudes,
Yeah I’ve been away for quite a while, due to the demands of my job and travelling.

I’m spending the next few days reading over the posts that I’ve missed!!!!

BTW: I’ve managed to keep up with the jelq sessions, but mainly once or twice a week - sorta “maintenance”. Haven’t been taking any supplements either.. (I had a whole bottle of Arginine-L confiscated on arriving at Miami, just after xmas!)

Anyways, I’m in touch!


What’s with the Miami customs confiscating your L-Arginine??? You can purchases that at any GNC in the USA or at least in Montana where I get mine. BTW it is not available in Canada but customs would not confiscate it here either because it is not illegal to have the stuff, only to purchase it in Canada.

I know we have some strange laws (and damn inconsistant too), but this takes the cake. Do you know, is GHB illegal in the UK and/or Spain??

Regards Canuck

Bad rap in Miami

Well, I guess the customs guys there just didn’t like me! Apart from the L-Arginine, they also confiscated some other stuff, when I left Miami for Mexico! (A roll of “Gaffa Tape” - extra strong adhesive tape, which I use to cover the locks on my suitcases, so they prevent getting opened easily by lock-pickers)..

I’m completely in agreement with tight security at airports (I don’t have to say why), but it’s rediculous to think that you can’t get on aplane with say, a “screwdriver” in your hand luggage, but when you get given your meal, they still give you a knife and fork! (and on some airlines the knives and forks are metal! (I have some to prove it! LOL)

Any way apologies for going WAAAAAAYYY of subject!

Good to be back!


just out of interest…what part of Spain are you in?


hi Guiri

Hi Guiri, (hehehe that nick!.. )
I’m based in Madrid (mainly). Where are you?


¿Qué tal?

Hombre, el ‘mote’ no es muy original, pero en estos foros es algo único.

Estoy en Galicia, lo que no me agrada mucho, pero voy tirando.

Just a few quick words in the local lingo.

So, do you know of many spanish guys into PE…ever heard it brought up in conversation?

On TV today, it was said that according to the latest survey 10% of those polled had sex on a daily basis….the highest percentage recorded in this worldwide survey. Personally, I think it’s more the Spanish ego that rises more than anything else.


macho iberico

Actually that could well be right… the only thing that would be missing in that survey is if the sex they have everyday is with the same partner! LOL

As far a PE here…. very little/almost non-existant… NO-MAN in spain is going to openly say he has a small dick (or even if he thinks it!, which I doubt because of the “macho iberico” attitude! LOL)

So you don’t like it in Galicia? Strange, I’ve always enjoyed going there.. but then I live here :)




all those who come here to visit me say the same….and i loved it too at the beginning. The two downsides are the climate, which can really affect someone who wants to retire in Mooloolaba, and the mentalidad of the people.

It is not good to generalise, or create sterotypes, however on the whole the Galician people, apart from a terrible complex of personal envy, will not speak openly and honestly if the situation is somewhat ‘awkward’ They prefer to not cause scandal or personal conflicts, say “you are right”, and hope that the other person thinks well of them for their composure.

It’s hard to explain in words, but the expression “A gallego, if asked, doesn’t know if he is going up or coming down the stairs” (ie. he will not tell you openly).

I am here for my personal reasons, but you can be assured it is not indefinite.


Spanish (Male) Attitude

Hey Guirri!

I heard a saying abput Spain that said: “There are more “bad” things than “good” things, the the good things a SO good they outweigh the bad!”

I have a poster in my office (in English jejejeje) which says “Don’t let the bastards grind you down!” LOL


P.S. The best thing about living here is summer! ;) For a catholic country the women are incredibly (thankfully) agnostic! jejejje

Good things in Spain

there are indeed many postive aspects of this country. The attitude towards social interaction (I mean drinking hours, tapas etc, what did u think I meant?) are great. Being able to go out on a Monday at 11pm and getting a full course dinner, and then going to a quiet local bar until you decide to leave cannot be beaten.

Summer IS great. Unfortuntely, the galician summer does not last long, but I have had some awesome times when the temperatures have risen.



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