JuliusCeasar, I looked at your bpel poll (and voted) just now. The average length of those involved in pe is almost 7”. The average girth is about 5 3/8”. Compared to Stevie31’s pre pe length and girth polls it shows that pe works, though gains are moderate. I didn’t go exactly figure the pre pe poll, but from figuring it a while back I think the average length was about 6 1/4” and the average girth was about 5”. What this shows is PE works, but the results are overall moderate. About 3/4” in length gains, and about 3/8” in girth gains, are the overall results. Also to use for comparison is 8-Ball’s How Much Have You Gained polls, in which the results are comparably close to the difference between your polls and Stevie’s polls. Also, I think Stevie once did a study of gains by looking at Size’s Data Chart here at Thunder’s, and though it’s been quite a while since I looked at those numbers I think the results may have been similar. Unless one is an especially hard gainer, those results can probably be surpassed by anyone desiring it enough.
I may be mistaken, but it seems to me what you’re saying is that since ‘small + above average + big guys’ all combined are about equal to the number of average size guys, then females run into ‘non-average’ size guys just about as often as ‘average’ size. So their “average experience” is not a 5-7 incher, but quite varied, so why think women are usually hooking up with just average guys just because there are many clumped together in the average range. From that standpoint, you are correct in a sense.