Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My dick got pissed off and fought back!

My dick got pissed off and fought back!

I didnt think that I was over doing it, but I had recently increased my workouts by adding a day. I also think I was increasing the intensity, although I didnt really realize it at the time, my dick just seemed to be able to take more. Everything seemed to be going great. I had no negetive PI’s and I was growing. Then in the span of just a few days, maybe a week, I lost a quarter of an inch in length! Big negative PI there! So what should I do now? Take some time off and start over? Or should I just decrease time and intensity? How long does it take for the lost size to come back? If this has happened to you can you give me some pointers? Everyones help is greatly appreciated!

How is your EQ (erectile quality)?

Sounds like you should take at least a little break, and then pick up at the level where you were gaining. If that doesn’t work, you may need to take a little more time off.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Actually my EQ was incredible! I have been doing things that I have not done in years like going two or three times in a row. It has been great! The reason I stepped up my workouts is because my gains had slowed to almost a stop. I am pretty sure that it is from stretching, I think my ligs just tightened up. And now I do feel like I may have injured them a little. I can feel a little soreness if I stretch that I didnt feel before. I did take a few days off, and now I am doing some very light stretches every other day to try and loosen them back up. It seems to be working a little. I do wonder if I should just take more time off to let them heal, or if a slow return is better?

Your dick is probably tired refrain from From PE for a few days.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by dlm4
Actually my EQ was incredible! I have been doing things that I have not done in years like going two or three times in a row. It has been great! The reason I stepped up my workouts is because my gains had slowed to almost a stop. I am pretty sure that it is from stretching, I think my ligs just tightened up. And now I do feel like I may have injured them a little. I can feel a little soreness if I stretch that I didnt feel before. I did take a few days off, and now I am doing some very light stretches every other day to try and loosen them back up. It seems to be working a little. I do wonder if I should just take more time off to let them heal, or if a slow return is better?

You were on the right path with changing things up if your gains had almost slowed to a stop. It sounds like you could use a short rest and then start experimenting with a routine that doesn’t result in loss of length. I’d suggest that you change one variable at a time. Add to time, or add to intensity, but not both at the same time. Or do what you’ve been doing, at the level you’ve been doing it, and ease into an added exercise or technique. Watch your PIs carefully to see how your penis reacts to the change.

The fact that your EQ is “incredible” has to be both encouraging and very gratifying, so that’s a very good thing. Just don’t let it tempt you into overdoing.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Mine has done this too when I increased intensity of the PEing. I just took a break until it loosened up then continued. It was probably just the shock of add PEing. I wouldn’t worry.

Otis are you having good results and what did you start out with

Originally Posted by dlm4
I didnt think that I was over doing it, but I had recently increased my workouts by adding a day.

When you want to increase your workout, you don’t add another day on, especially if you’ve only been PEing since October. To increase your workout, you should add a few more minutes of stretching and five more minutes of jelqing. I guess someone has to find out the hard way. I just hope your OK and don’t over do it in the future.

I think the Newbies should come by and have a read of this.

Dec \'23 -> Feb\'24 17.5cm -> 18.5cm BPEL / 12.7cm -> 13.1 MSEG / 18.5cm -> 18.9cm BPFSL (measuring in mm for accuracy)

My First Real Attempt:

2006 Start: 6.25" BPEL and 5" EG - 2012 7.625" BPEL / 4.875" EG / 8.063" BPFSL. (All manual routine)

Yes I am having pretty good results. I think I have to increase the PEing soon because I feel like my gains have slowed quite a bit. I started out at about 7.5 BPEL and 5.5 Girth. But I have been doing more girth PEing than length because I’m pretty happy with my length. I started out with just 15 min. Dry jelqing.

Ya thats how I seem to do things, LEARNING THE HARD WAY! I will take you advice and just ad on a few minutes. Thanks for everyones help!

Well I am happy to say that after about a week off, then returning very slowly, I have gained back that quarter of an inch. Whew! Thank goodness! I have learned an important lesson. It really would have been a bummer to have lost that after so much hard work and time!

Originally Posted by kingdingaling
When you want to increase your workout, you don’t add another day on, especially if you’ve only been PEing since October. To increase your workout, you should add a few more minutes of stretching and five more minutes of jelqing.

That is great advice. Thanks.

"Res Firma Nitescere Nescit"


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