Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My favorite PE device

My favorite PE device

Hello all,

I’ve been here for a bit over a year and have made some very real gains. Nothing earthshattering but enough to convince me that PE really works.

I rarely post, although I’ve started the past few days, but have spent hundreds of hours here reading virtually every thread and searching exhaustively. The main reason for my lack of posts is that virtually all of my questions have been asked and answered and I find the info through searching. I wanted to wait until I could make a contribution to the community and finally feel as if there is something I can add.

I posted about this in another thread, but really thought it deserved one of it’s own.

Over the past year there is something I use every day and highly highly recommend. It’s yet another sex toy adapted for our purposes here. A Cyberskin 1.5" penis extension:

Cyberskin Transformer 1.5 Inch Penis Extension Natural TS1008317 (I’m not affiliated with this shop it’s just the first one that came up on google)

It serves two purposes. For one I completely buy in to Big Girtha’s "never let it turtle" concept and this thing is perfect. When still nicely plumped from my PE session I put this thing on and it keeps me extended for hours. It’s comfortable enough to wear all day. It stays on at the gym (though I do need to wear a jock to keep it from flopping all over the place (a problem I never had with my "old" usually turtled penis). The solid silicone head has a couple of ounces of weight too so it’s an almost perfect ADC/ADS/traction wrap kind of thing.

The second purpose is purely psychological and ties in to the ENHANCE YOUR PUMPED/UNPUMPED BULGE - THE VELCRO WRAP thread. I love putting it on and wearing jeans. The bulge is incredible. There’s this hot 21 year old at my local coffee shop and I caught her checking out my bulge once. It felt great. If by some miracle I actually bed her in the next few months she’ll be quite disappointed, but hey.

There’s also a 3 inch version which I’ve tried, but it’s just egregiously large. I want the ladies to notice a bulge…not think I’m walking around with a hard on.

I can not recommend this thing highly enough.

We have the technology! We can make it bigger, stronger...

Orig BPEL 6.25x4.375 current BPEL 7.3125x4.5

Goal NBPEL 7.25x 5.25EG

No thanks, I’ll get my 1.5 inches the old fashion way.

I’m planning on it but hey:

“Fake it ‘til you make it”

We have the technology! We can make it bigger, stronger...

Orig BPEL 6.25x4.375 current BPEL 7.3125x4.5

Goal NBPEL 7.25x 5.25EG

Hi Jay,
interesting idea. I was only looking at these recently and wondering… I might give one a go.

And so they don’t have any slippage or chafing problems?

I am about your size (6.95” x 5”) with same goals (7.5 x 5.5”).

Tell you what….first one there buys the drinks.


"Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship"

- Humphrey Bogart to Claude Raines, Casablanca


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