Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My personal victory

Awesome post RWG!

>>Think about it guys, how many of your “friends” know your worst fears, how much you ejaculate and the exact measurement (s) of your dick!

:) Nice.

RWG, congratulations!

“my wife often times thinks I'm on drugs! “

Haven’t you told PE stuffs to your wife? I think it would be nice to share this with your wife. This would be helpful to strengthen your trustness, and you could also get more support from your wife.


I am curious about what made you a mental wrek pre PE? Was it an incident with a girl or was it your complex about premature ejaculation? So your premature ejaculation was cured by the kegels component of PE I guess. Another could have been the training of the unit during Jelqing (pretty much masturbation). Maybe it makes the nerves (esp the foreskin) more insensitive! Anyway, congratz!


My doctor told me about ways to help my premature ejaculation issue, my wife happened to be with me when he did… For over a year now I’ve locked myself in the bathroom (same ones my member pics shows) for 1.5 - 2 hours a night.. My wife understands PE to stand for premature ejaculation… She has stated more then once “it has gotten bigger”… Simple enough I found one of those general medical sites claiming that nothing could be done to make your dick bigger and had her read it… Odd thing is she still swears it is… I’m only approx .25 ” longer in NBPEL after a year of work but that was enough for my wife to say something.. Superstroker (thanks man).

I’m with you on the blow job issue only I’ve never really cared for them for exactly the reason you mentioned, TEETH! I’ve got an issue with the anal deal though. I’m certain if my wife would give it a chance I could duplicate the type of orgasm I gave that girl when I was in the Army.

Good to hear from ya! Thunder’s place is sort of like belonging to a church where everyone believes enough of the same thing to form a community. It’s great.

Your too kind!

Way to go RWG, glad for your turnaround. I suspect that your mad girth is probably what slows your length gains - but you’ll get that last 3/4” I’m sure. Just stick with the stretching. You might want to try hanging maybe - if you could get a damn hanger to fit around that fire hydrant, LOL.

Best wishes man.

rg, sorry I missed your question… My poor mental condition pre PE I attribute to an affair my wife had. I had a very bad premature ejaculation problem and could not satisfy my wife with intercourse. 2 seconds wasn’t enough…

LOL! My wife always said I was a little “too thick”, especially for her ass but I’m really going for that other 3/4 of an inch in length… Keep rooting for me bro, I’m going to need it.

RWG, that is a wonderful testimony about PE. Thanks for sharing all of that. I need to become disciplined about my workouts again.

Struggling with a peyronies injury during sex and loss of size after having been into PE.

Way to go!

Wow this shit works!

Well, I keep trying and while I have yet to see a good increase in size I did defeat my premature ejac problem and DRASTICIALLY improved the quality of my erections.. If I do not gain shit from here out what I’ve gained from the exercises was and will continue to be well worth the countless hours of effort I’ve put in… When Bib gets his house in order with the Bib’s I sure will order one and give his program a mighty go… Until then I will just keep slogging on with business as usual.

took me a while to find this thread, but good on you RWG, you deserve it :D

I’m so happy for you RWG, congratulations!! If anybody, you sure deserve it!

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

That’s a heart rending story rwg

I’m really glad to hear such a positive story, particular as it pertains to improving your marriage and not just giving you a bigger dong for your own amusement.

Wow this is 10 year old thread

Start 2-3-08 BPEL 7.25" EG 5.25" Midshaft

Now BPEL 9.00" EG 5.50 " Midshaft

Long term goal NBP 8x6 - "The Magic stick"

Originally Posted by miami-cock
Wow this is 10 year old thread

I met RWG on a different site. He’s the one that introduced me to this community.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!


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