Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My race cars...


My race cars...

Thru my lifetime, I’ve had the usual variety of cars - tho’ I’m a hot-rodder, so maybe a FEW more faster cars than some…

My most recent fast car was a ‘98 Camaro SS - but I’ve had a Vette, and numerous other powerful road burners…

While I had my ‘98 Camaro, my wife was driving a ‘93 Mazda 323 4 cylinder grocery-getter - of course, I drove it too…

NOW, WHICH of these vehicle types do YOU suppose got driven hardest and raced most - the Mazda grocery-getter types, or the vettes and Camaro SS’s?

If you have a neighbor with a station wagon in his drive - AND a Porsche 911 - which do you suppose sees the most “action”?

We tend to be reactionary, and insecure when comparisons involving guys LOTS larger than average are discussed - and rationalize that there are comparitively so FEW big guys out there, there couldn’t POSSIBLY be so many gals that have encountered one of them…

But, if you want to see a FAST car, *I* can easily take you to where they can be found and enjoyed - and if a female wants to “enjoy” a bigger than average fella - don’t you suppose SHE has a pretty good idea where to FIND one…?

Do fellas with the “bigger equipment” use it more than the smaller guys? After all, there ARE relatively FEWER high-powered cars than the “average” - so odds would SEEM to be that we would see rather FEW of them… Do the guys with the faster cars RACE them more than the guys with the low-powered grocery getters?

Get my drift?

What do YOU think?


Uncle- I give- Uncle for Gods' sake

Any of this look familiar Mr. Average?

“TWO things we can count on:

1. The ladies will tell their current lover he’s “fine” - but they REALLY want and appreciate something bigger - and nearly *80%* of them claim they HAVE enjoyed sex with bigger than average hung guys…

2. The GUYS, in deep denial, will comfort themselves with the fantasy that the GALS don’t really have a clue as to size, aren’t interested in or looking for anything bigger/better… JEEZE, sorta makes ya wonder why WE are here, trying to make ourselves BIGGER…

AHHHhh yeah, the gals are stupid - and REALLY haven’t a CLUE as to size differences? NO?

Then WHY are WE here? If MY wife won’t know the difference between 6 or 8 inches, why do I waste my time with PE? Why do YOU?”

Face it guys, the gals really DO want, appreciate, and lust after the BIGGER guys - and by bigger, I mean bigger than AVERAGE! We all know that - so WHY do we deny it when we see evidence, and feel so intimidated and personally offended by what we already KNEW? Is it really funny?

So, if YOU are in the “average” group - 6-6.5 or so, nearly HALF the gals want more than YOU are giving them - and about half are pretty seriously LOOKING for more - even tho over *60%* of them indicated they were already married or “attached”!

This ISN’T about undermining anyone’s tranquility - or trying to make them feel threatened or inferior - hell, some of us ALREADY feel inferior, isn’t THAT why were here?

Face it fellas - they may NOT, for the most part, know the precise difference between a 6.5 and a 7 incher - but we’re kidding ourselves if we cling to the false security that we can somehow fool the gals into thinking our 5 incher is REALLY 9 inches, and THEY are too “stupid” to recognize the difference.

some of us will continue to feel that gals will recognize and appreciate the difference between where we WERE, and where we eventually end up after PE - others will probably continue to feel the ladies can’t possibly know the difference between 6 inches and 8 inches, even with a ruler…

I’n NOT trying to start anything here, or in any way be abusive to others or their viewpoints - But hell, I’ve been pretty sensitive to my own size for my entire lifetime

SO, we all pretty much either realize we NEED or WANT to be bigger, and that there really IS a way to make it happen. we also realize our mates probably ALSO would like it if we were bigger - THEN, when we see yet another survey that pretty much validates ALL our reasons for doing this PE stuff, we say “NAHHHh, the gals haven’t a CLUE as to size - wouldn’t know the difference if *I* was 6 inches or 8…” We even have several gals here, in THIS group, who will admit that while the trophy dicks aren’t necessarily their major concern in a mate, DO thoroughly enjoy and lust after a roll in the hay with a well-hung guy - and if he ALSO happens to be their husband, all the better!

ANd yet, when we see a survey that indicates what we already KNOW and feel in our gut, we pass it off as unreliable and meaningless… Something WRONG with this picture…?”

What’s wrong with this picture is you are rehashing all this stuff over again with your friggin’ car analogy- and piling even more logs on to the fire. Now it’s ‘grow your dick or your g/f- wife is going to find a bigger one.’ Its’ the same old shit as the past 2-3 days and I have heard enough already! I have enough of a self esteem problem without you throwing it back in my face every single day. If you can’t post things that are positive then I guess we need to have a ‘whiners’ forum’ where we can go to view your posts and get our self esteem blasted! You said in your last posts you weren’t trying to offend anyone- well, you just couldn’t let it go and I, for one, am very offended. I gave you a pass on the last thread and figured you would get it out of your system- but I guess it is going to take a direct approach. Yeah- I’m pissed and I never get this way, but I would like to come here for support- not this shit. I am sorry- but this needed said!

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'


I been regular and now big, girls like big better, no doubt about it.
Girls may not know how to tell inches, but they know what they like.



I think we are all well aware of that or we wouldn’t be here :)

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'

WELL, here’s yet ANOTHER analogy - but be forwarned - it’s NOT for the timid. easily offended or faint-hearted!

Fella goes to the beach - looks around, and realizes there are LOTS of pretty ladies and well- developed fellas there - it’s sorta obvious the gals admire the tanned and well-built guys so the “97 pounder” goes to check out the local gym to see what he might be able to do for himself…

Entering, he sees LOTS of guys lifting weights and doing various activities to get or stay in shape - but the mere SIGHT of the guys so much better built than he is - as well as the obvious EFFORT involved he will need to expend to get in their shape, immediately discourages him, so he convinces himself that THEY are not “normal”, but simply a very small and unnatural percentage of guys that just happened to born that way, and he LEAVES whining, with his tail between his legs…

YOU are free to make excuses, be “offended”, turned off or discouraged if you choose - and it IS about choice - OR you can take a long hard look at yourself, stop making excuses and rationalizations, and DO SOMETHING about your situation…

I mean this in the kindest and most sincere way possible, it’s your life, your choice - I *know* what *I* have decided to do!


Last edited by mraverage : 10-06-2002 at .


That wasn’t the point of my post and you know it. We are all already here and doing something about it- I, for one, don’t need to hear the negative bullshit you spew. Here is some more- look familiar?

“when asked about size preferences, or whether they are satisfied with the average size of their current partner, they USUALLY hurry to assure that size is “fine” - but often admit that something up around 8 inches REALLY rings their chimes…

Somehow, *I* sorta suspect a females AVERAGE capabilities and preferences exceed our average abilities by a couple of inches - but would be happy to be proven wrong…

I tend to post in a straightforward, honest and open manner - and do NOT purposely abuse, insult or demean others - or lie - and I DO get a bit bothered when it’s inferred I do”

Well, I’m not inferring- I am telling you- get over the fact that your wife cheated on you, dude- or whatever the hell it is. In your case I am sure she didn’t cheat on you because of your dick size if this is the way you choose to interact in real life… I would hate to go through life looking at the glass half empty like you do. You can guess at, or infer, or invent whatever the hell scenario you want to in order to serve the purpose of spewing all this crap but I am not going to let it slide by anymore. As you are aware- I could easily copy and paste several more pages of your bullshit from other posts, but I made my point :(

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'

I was trying to include this edit, but the time got me…

“You can fear or envy the bigger guys - or deny there are really many out there - OR you can take steps to come closer to BEING one of them!”



“But, if you want to see a FAST car, *I* can easily take you to where they can be found and enjoyed - and if a female wants to “enjoy” a bigger than average fella - don’t you suppose SHE has a pretty good idea where to FIND one…?”

Sorry to say theres nothing wrong with being big or small. Of course we prefer to be bigger but its either for ourselves or if its really for your woman then she’s probably some plastic bimbo. Theres plenty of people out there who aren’t superficial like that. Theres plenty of people out there that like/can have good sex with an avergae sized cock. If you really think your woman is going to leave you for a guy with a bigger dick then oh well she’s slightly on the whore/superficial side. Whats more is that if you think that then in some way you deserve to lose your woman.

Now then, if at the end of the day all you’re looking for is random slutty sex then yes a bigger unit might help you in that department. BUT if you are a well rounded person with a decent heart and you want to spend your days with someone similar to you then it doesn’t matter how big you are. In fact if you find the right person it your dick won’t matter at all (extreme but yes it can be true). I do this for myself AND because i “think” I can please my woman better (she just laughs and think I can spend my time better doing more important things), not because im scared she’ll leave me over my dick size.


I can’t believe all this hub bub is based on an INTERNET survey that can be taken by anybody, be it man, woman, child or dog. And to top it off, how were things measured, by rulers, or by comparison to familiar objects ?

I’m sorry but unlike others, I cannot treat this survey as gospel. It could have, and probably was skewed by many factors. Think about it, some guys with tons of time on their hands and a few beers in them might decide to liven things up a bit and skew the results. I’m surprised there was no 20 inchers found in this survey.

If the porn industry has a hard time finding someone with 10+ inches on them for their films, it makes me really think twice about this survey.

If I had a member with that much meat, I would be a porn legend and my unit would have it’s own zip code.

Give me a survey were there are true professionals involved and they are taking accurate measurements with rulers, make that atomic rulers, you know the clocks are accurate then the rulers should be unbelievable, hahahah. Then I may start believing.

By the way I have no beef (no pun intended) with the idea that bigger is better. BUT, I really don’t believe that there are that many super huge guys out there.


Skeptical Terran

Another thing that has been bothering me:

MrAverage, you made a comment that a guy with 9” will sleep with around 1000 women. No offense, but a guy like that is considered somewhat of a man-whore. If you look at the big guys on these forums, do they all go around looking for one-night-stands? No. They almost all looking for a relationship with one girl at a time without simply looking to use her for some quick sex. Does a hard-core Christian guy with 9” go and sleep around with every girl he can get his hands on? Probably not. Chances are, that even with a very large unit, many guys still have women troubles.

Another thing, as I pointed out earlier, the key thing that makes this survey inaccurate is that 20% of women selected that they have been with 10++++” (Notice the+) This means penises that are 10.5, 11, 12 inches or more. I seriously doubt that 1 in 5 women has had a sexual relationships with a man that big.

I am building a weapon of ass destruction!

MrAverage, nothing personal or anything… I didnt have any problem with the content of your post but rather the format:

PLEASE stop YELLING things all the time! *We* know how to read (HOPEFULLY!) with EXPRESSION and (wait for it)……..

(bling bling!)—->***EMPHASIS***!!!<—- (flashing neon lights!!!)

hehe sorry just a pet peeve, it hurts my ears. I’ll quit complaining now.

**Sizemeister comes out of hiding for a moment.**

All of this over that damn useless survey? Come on, guys. For one thing, there is no way that thing can be even close to something representing a true sampling of our women, unless they call them up at home randomly and ask them these questions. Who do you really think the audience is for this survey? Someone would really really have to be looking hard to find this survey. Some woman would have to be doing a google search on penis size or something to find it. And how do you think that woman is going to answer??????


I’m sorry, there isn’t an overwhelming majority of women who are jumping from penis to penis until they find the bigger one. What a miserable world that would be.


Well said Sizemeister!

I appreciate and am gratified that most of you grasp my intention in posting - and respond with logic, rather than insult and abuse - and yeah, I get complaints about my use of caps used for emphasis (not “shouting”)…

Points intended:

Any of us posting regularly, and with fairly strong opinions, will eventually tic off and offend someone else - not that offending is their goal, only that some are simply deliberately thin-skinned and easily offended or looking for a fight. As far as I am concerned, that’s their problem, and I hardly intend to let it affect my day in the slightest…

The survey was posted under the description of being “funny as hell”, presumably due to the fact that the females responding described their experience with larger than average penises, and their preference for them - was that really “funny”, and do we really disbelieve it? Again, if we don’t think women do like the bigger ones, why are we here - and what’s basically funny or hard to accept in the highly UNscientific “survey”?

Few, including me, would put great stock in the absolute accuracy and veracity of that simple survey - only that it does validate other, similar surveys and polls, that essentially come to the same conclusion, ladies, on average, do prefer bigger - again, we know that, and that’s why we are here. The actual and precise penis lengths are not the primary issue here, and are only a smokescreen used by some of the more insecure and reactionary members who totally miss the primary underlying fact most of us already recognize and are doing something about:

Bigger is better, the gals, on average, want and enjoy bigger for all the same reasons we do, and most of us here really don’t think that’s funny, but rather are doing what we can to improve our own self-image, our personal enjoyment of sex - and the enjoyment we can provide our partners.



Its not just about the survey, its that MrAverage is being negative and critical. His logic is flawed even more then his analogies and most of ALL he TYPES like a TWO year old.

First of all, not every girl is out for the “fast car” and even more importantly there are many many not so fast cars that they find acceptable. Many of these girls would rather have the one thats always reliable or the one that gets the best mileage. They might like it if their current car was a little bit faster, but they wouldn’t give up every other good quality of their old car just for a ride in a fast one. WHAT do YOU think? ::snicker::

Fella goes to the beach - looks around, and realizes there are LOTS of pretty ladies and well- developed fellas there - it’s sorta obvious the gals admire the tanned and well-built guys so the “97 pounder” goes to check out the local gym to see what he might be able to do for himself…

Entering, he sees LOTS of guys lifting weights and doing various activities to get or stay in shape - but the mere SIGHT of the guys so much better built than he is - as well as the obvious EFFORT involved he will need to expend to get in their shape, immediately discourages him, so he convinces himself that THEY are not “normal”, but simply a very small and unnatural percentage of guys that just happened to born that way, and he LEAVES whining, with his tail between his legs…

YOU are free to make excuses, be “offended”, turned off or discouraged if you choose - and it IS about choice - OR you can take a long hard look at yourself, stop making excuses and rationalizations, and DO SOMETHING about your situation…

I mean this in the kindest and most sincere way possible, it’s your life, your choice - I *know* what *I* have decided to do!

This one is flawed even more then the first one. I doubt theres a single guy here counting on big muscles to get him a good woman. There may be a few guys here starting at “97lbs”, but most are starting around average lets say 170-180. Second of all, this is the fucking gym. We’re already here with our memberships, we’re already working out. So much for the walking in and getting intimidated part. Most importantly nobody thinks the huge guys are all normal or natural. Those guys either worked out for a long time, or they got lucky with genetics. Most commonly its going to be the latter of the two resulting in the big muscles.

No one is making excuses, they're just tired of your negative shit.


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