There is a big difference between body building and changing a penis structure to be longer. We’re not building muscle we’re changing tissue structure. In body building your trying to increase strength and that requires adding volume to a muscle. In many cases the muscle doesn’t need to grow larger to gain more strength but in general it does add bulk to that muscle. To do this rest periods are critical to muscle building. Allowing the body to heal a muscle after it has been stressed adds to its overall strength and bulk. If you try to stress that muscle on a daily basis without rest periods you will experience tramua to that muscle but it wont have the ability to handle more stress.
In PE we don’t want to increase the overall structural fabric of the tissues involved because it would be counter productive. Rest periods are counter productive to an elongation program.
I take my understanding of the elongation process from a medical procedure called prolotherapy. It is a process of correcting damaged joints, tendon and muscle-culture where they have healed incorrectly such as a twisted or sprained ankle joint where the tendons no longer hold the joint together tightly. Understanding of the healing process is critical to this. The process, in a nutshell, is this: The point of incorrect healing is injected with an irritant that stimulates the healing process to start over again. When this takes place the process is allowed to complete the bodies healing cycle on it’s own which in the end returns all structures to their normal configuration. The body always tends to heal back to what it knows it should be.
In PE we want to utilize that process and intentionally allow the bodies healing process to complete but in a changed state that we control. Hence we add stress during the healing process and when complete just as in a damaged joint that healed incorrectly we take that and deliberately encourage healing which makes for permanent change in a changed state.
Avoiding the completion of the healing cycle without controlling the structure we want to affect is, as I said before counter productive.