Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My wife said these words

My wife said these words

I know alot of the guys here don’t tell or want their SO’s to know about their PEing. I have told my wife everything from the start. About a year ago I was hitting the PE regularly and the results were fun. Added a little length and girth but mainly just a better overall conditioned cock. My wife enjoyed sex a little more from the work but we have always had a great sex life. Needless to say, work, kids, etc., started taking more time and I was just too tired(lazy) to keep up the routine. Kept saying that I would get back to it pretty soon but time has passed very quickly.

Well, I had made up my mind to get back into a regular workout this week. I had made a homemade stretcher a couple of years ago and had worn it this morning for about an hour before I left for work. I left it on the countertop in our bathroom and had forgot about it. When my wife got home this evening she said ” I see you started working out again.” At first I didn’t realize what she was talking about. I popped my head in the door and she was smiling at me and looked at the stretcher. I guess that tells me she is looking for even more “input” from her man. She is a very conservative person but she does like the results she has experienced so far. I guess that just adds to the motivation factor. Her words aren’t exactly the words I wanted to hear from her but only time and about an inch in both ways will get me the words I really want.

I do think them knowing is a good thing. How about any others?

I imagine it would be a lot of work hiding your PE from your SO. I don’t live with a girl so I don’t have to worry about them finding my PE equipment etc. I have thought about talking about PE with the more open minded girls I’ve been involved with, but at the same time, I like the idea of keeping it secret. The most annoying part for me about keeping it secret from them is having to avoid them grabbing my crotch when I have my ADS wrap on, and planning out when to take it off. (This may seen quite hardcore PE addicted to some… but what can I say, I’m always doing some form of PE, unless my dick is needed for sex)

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

I just started PEing and me and my fiance arent living yet but will be in the summer so I have 6months of privacy before I have to worry about telling her.

I PE and my wife doesn’t know. I do all manual exercises right now though. And she has noticed I have been in the bathroom for unusually longer periods of time. Yesterday she asked if I was OK. I had to fight to keep the smile off my face. I am wondering when she is going to put it all together though. She has commented that I feel bigger lately. We had talked about PE a few years back but I never did anything with it. So she does know about PE, but just not that I am doing it. Like I said, it is only a matter of time, and sooner or later I will want to start clamping. I will probably tell her when I start that.


I’m getting married in 5 months and just started PEing too.

I will wait til we leave together to tell her or wait till she says something then I’ll tell her. Which ever happens first.

I’m hoping she says those magic words.

(01-12-2005) BP 6.375x 5.2, (03-18-2005) BP 7.125x5.5

(11/2017) BP 6.7x5.5, (7/10/2022) BP 7.25x5.7

*** UPDATED (7/31/2022) BP 7.5x5.8 ***

For you guys that are getting married or moving in together now I would tell them right away to see how they react if they give you a hard time give them the heave ho

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Yeah dino I hear ya.

But she would understand I’m sure and be fine with it. I just want her to tell me my cock is getting bigger first then I will tell her how I did it.

(01-12-2005) BP 6.375x 5.2, (03-18-2005) BP 7.125x5.5

(11/2017) BP 6.7x5.5, (7/10/2022) BP 7.25x5.7

*** UPDATED (7/31/2022) BP 7.5x5.8 ***

I’m kinda sorta going out with a woman I’ve been good friends with for the last 16 years. I ‘fessed up about PE a couplke of days before we decided to do “the deed”. I told her I always felt inadequate about my size (6x5.5) and her reply was, “I’m sure it’ll be perfect no matter what size it was.”

So after after we finally hooked up, in the afterglow she smilingly whispered, “Yep, size matters.”

I’m in love!

If girth is king, why the hell does everyone keep talking about length?

When I’ll get good gains (and I can’t know that day :D ) I’ll say everything to my girlfriend :)

My wife knows I’m PEing and is fully supportive. I’ve only been seriously at it about a month or so and she is noticing a difference and is loving it. She also likes for me to free ball now and loves to see how many folks double-take at the crotch when I’ve got my 501’s on. Even when she isn’t with me, she loves to hear the stories.. I’m lucky to have a gal that is so supportive and understanding!

Began 5.75 BPEL X 4.5 EG After a few weeks 6.3 BPEL 4.75 EG Still Working hard! Now after some hit and miss work for a few months: 6.9 BPEL X 5.3 EG Still squeezing, pumping, streching and tugging it when I get the chance.


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