Need to find a new program for length
Hey, my current stats are 7 1/8” NBP, 7 4/5” BP, and 5 1/4” girth. I have had a tough time trying to get back into PE for the last two weeks because I haven’t had a definate program. Since late October, I had been doing a program that consists of one hour a day of PE for two days a week, then 20-30 minutes a night for the other 5 nights, which adds up to 4 hours of PE a week. I normally do around 60/40 stretching and jelqing, mainly because I want to focus on length. I stretch and jelq in different directions, and normally I do sets of 5-10 minutes.
However, the gains for that have slowed down, and I don’t know what adjustments I should make to get more gains. Should I change up the time? Or the type of stretches? Please give me a new program that will help me gain more.