Never a grower-always a shower?
I use to be flaccid 3 3/4 L and become 6 1/4 L erect—-a 2 1/2 inch gain.
Now I’m flaccid 5 L and become 7 1/4 L—a 2 1/4 gain. I’m a 1/4 inch less grower than before and therefore must be classified even more of a shower than ever. I’m drifting further from grower and more estabished as shower.Does this change for guys or does one always remain in their category(shower or grower) forever.
(I’ve had a 3/8 inch gain flaccid in the last 2 months that I think must be a result of fowfers I’m doing regularly now.)
Has this been true for you guys also, or have some showers also became growers?
Have any growers become showers?