new data
Ok, so I’ve taken the data from the stats website and crunched it - I thought others might be interested with what I found, so here it is:
237 guys
831.954 total cubic inches gained
AVERAGE GAIN: 3.51 cubic inches
average gain per day: 0.006
average gain per week: 0.0433
average gain per month: 0.187
average gain per year: 2.249
Some notes:
*Each entry on the data webpage was treated as a separate person, so there may be some duplicates.
*People with only one entry (no “after” to their “before”) were removed.
*I like the idea of total volume used on that website, so I used that as my main variable.
*this was done to convince me whether it was even worth starting or not. I’m convinced, and started immediately after I tabulated the data :)