Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

new member: banned from P.E. Forums

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I’ll mirror the remarks of most in a warm welcome to Thunder’s place… I also stand with RB on the matter of DLD… On a level 10 erection I’m around 8.5 BPEL standing w/ a ruler… I’ve got a standing erect pic in th members section and several seated ones… It seems to me that DLD is significantly longer then I… I’ll say that his measurement style is unorthodox compared to most here but if I put the ruler on the side I end up with the same measurement as the bone pressed one from the top..

What’s the harm in a little “slick” marketing? I get about 1/4” increase measuring from the side like DLD does.

yea lets see it…I can’t believe DLD was lying… Shocker

And measuring from the side is clearly unacceptable using the norms that have been created by our PE forefathers.

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Measuring “DLD style” brings me an additional 1/2 inches flaccid stretch, which is nice, but not very correct. First time my flaccid stretch was more than 8 inches!

Looking at DLDs numbers and routines, the general picture is the following: He gained 4 inches erect lenght (3 inches before he started his blasters, “only” 1 inch with his blasters). Went from 6.5 to 10.5 erect.

And he is now doing a lot of silly marketing claims (like his infamous “12 x 7 gains”) to promote his paysite. Wols photoshop-analysis in the PE Forums member section was quite an eye opener for me. Nice job, wols!


Here’s the pic; took me all of two minutes to make, using photoshop tools.

(21.7 KB, 2207 views)

Welcome Wol003,

Nice picture, I have done the same to that picture. That was what raised my suspicion. Sad to see you got banned over it, it must be DLD himself who banned you, he is a moderator over there. I did my own posting to DLD himself, with two different pictures, which he for some reason has choose to post public. Well he choose to post one of them in public, he never posted the second picture. I have not been banned at peforum yet, but I did get banned over at MOS. That was properly because I saw how DLD deleted a post and I was PM about this with the dude who wrote it.

It was totally unnecessary for him to post them in public. I have never said anything about him in public, but I have written to him a couple of times to say to him I think his pictures are fake/altered. And I must empathize that is my private opinion. But jaz went crazy and sent me this email:

“Right Now we are tracking your IP # to get all your personal info. If
you post any Fake re-edited pictures on DLD and use any Pictures in
this statement you are proposing to hurt DLD’s rep in anyway we will
track you down.

Thank You,

And keep in mind DLD was the one posting the pictures, not me. That shook me up a bit, and I have seriously considered to leave these forums for good. Now I have decided only to be a member and post on this forum, and I really hope that this forum is truly a open and free forum, where you are allowed to express your doubts to someone, without getting hunted down.


Dude - your crazy. 5'9" and 165 lbs. (174 cm. and 75 kg.) Come on Crazy, do the workout. Dammit. Need motivation. My rutine. Lenght: Manuel strech, hanging. Grith: Jelc, Sadsak Slinky, Ring. Curve: Jelc and errect bend against the curve ELBP......EG..........Date 7.500.....5.500......2001-07-15 8.250.....5.750......2003-03-15 8.500.....5,750......2003-06-13 - stopped for 2 years 8.250.....5,750......2005-06-13 9.000.....6.500......Goal


I’ve seen your picture and found it quite intriguing… The thing with the bloodvein that seems to change its position on DLDs dick. You should post it here. I’m not a photoshop expert, but it really looks manipulated to me. Well, maybe I just get paranoid.


Sorry, I just realised you can’t post the picture. Because, if you dare, the MOS-people will hunt you without pity… BTW Israels secret service is called the MOSSAD. Like MOS-SAD. If MOS is just a cover organisation for the MOSSAD you better are very careful! That goes for all of us!

Your damn right, im not posting any pictures. I am a chicken, which also was the reason I sent the pictures directly to DLD for him to comment.

Dude - your crazy. 5'9" and 165 lbs. (174 cm. and 75 kg.) Come on Crazy, do the workout. Dammit. Need motivation. My rutine. Lenght: Manuel strech, hanging. Grith: Jelc, Sadsak Slinky, Ring. Curve: Jelc and errect bend against the curve ELBP......EG..........Date 7.500.....5.500......2001-07-15 8.250.....5.750......2003-03-15 8.500.....5,750......2003-06-13 - stopped for 2 years 8.250.....5,750......2005-06-13 9.000.....6.500......Goal

“We are tracking your IP #!!”
Big freaking deal.
I’d like to see them do anything with it.

I bet Jaz the “web guy” doesn’t even know what it stands for.

(Amongst other evidence, my assumption is borne out by the fact that he incorrectly referred to it as a number, which is correct at face value, but it is a number which refers to an address. What he said is like “We have your house number… blah blah”. Doesn’t mean much by itself. Also the fact that he claims to be “tracking” it. I for one, as an I.T student, would absolutely love to know how this magic trick is done, especially if you are on dial-up access. I would also love to know how he inteds to obtain “all your personal info” from just your IP. Can he get your credit card number? your phone number? date of birth? middle name? I severely doubt it, and would love to watch him pull inches out of his pants. (ie; rabbit out of a hat))

Go ahead and post the pics everywhere you can, crazydudenmark, or give them to somebody who will.

He could track the IP address through the internet back to the computer it was assigned. If he had access to or hacked into the ISP who assigned the address ——— well I guess you get the point now. At any rate all things are possible in technology.

Can a moderator send me a PM with my IP, and I will try to see what I can find out myself tracking the IP.


Dude - your crazy. 5'9" and 165 lbs. (174 cm. and 75 kg.) Come on Crazy, do the workout. Dammit. Need motivation. My rutine. Lenght: Manuel strech, hanging. Grith: Jelc, Sadsak Slinky, Ring. Curve: Jelc and errect bend against the curve ELBP......EG..........Date 7.500.....5.500......2001-07-15 8.250.....5.750......2003-03-15 8.500.....5,750......2003-06-13 - stopped for 2 years 8.250.....5,750......2005-06-13 9.000.....6.500......Goal

crazydude, just type “command” (or just “cmd” if you have windows 2000 or windows XP) in “run” in the start menu. After that you just type “ipconfig” in the command prompt and it will tell you what your IP is.

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

Well I am sitting on a local network behind a firewall, so my IP is internal/local, but I do not know what public IP I am registrering with here.

I would still like go get my IP, if it is possible.

Dude - your crazy. 5'9" and 165 lbs. (174 cm. and 75 kg.) Come on Crazy, do the workout. Dammit. Need motivation. My rutine. Lenght: Manuel strech, hanging. Grith: Jelc, Sadsak Slinky, Ring. Curve: Jelc and errect bend against the curve ELBP......EG..........Date 7.500.....5.500......2001-07-15 8.250.....5.750......2003-03-15 8.500.....5,750......2003-06-13 - stopped for 2 years 8.250.....5,750......2005-06-13 9.000.....6.500......Goal

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