New member...not quite...just joined...
Hello fellow Forum’ers. I just stumbled across this great forum today and have read literally every post on here already. This site is great and a true godsend to people who have always wanted a place where they can learn and ask questions about PE without the hassle of getting a perspective from someone who is paid by a manufacture to get people’s hopes up, and the caliber of it’s members is second to none. Every one of you sound like great guys (and gals)…very informative, helpful, and sincere.
I have just ordered a 3 month supply of VigRx and have read numerous accounts of how people have had successful results when they encorporate a supplement with a PE. I know I know…”VigRx?!?!?!!” you’re all saying. I just figured why the heck not, I know I’m probably giving into the hype but some of the variables have been scientifically proven to help blood flow and that is what you need when doing a PE.
I am in the process of finding the right PE for my particular needs. As of now I measure 3” flaccid and 6” erect. My goal with PE, VigRx, and Ball Rings is to hit 7-7.5. I figure those are attainable goals and not too far fetched.
Any comments or feedback is greatly appreciated.