New Stretch/Bend?
I don’t know if this idea is new, old, or if it even works but it felt like a pretty good stretch to me. The idea came about the other night after some stretching and jelqing. I had been doing all different kinds of stretches including DLD’s Bundle stretch where you twist the penis around before stretching it. Well after some stretching and jelqing I was basically just playing with it and I was trying to twist it around while I was semi-erect.—- So here is how it works, if it works at all. Get to about 75-80% erect, not so erect that you cant bend it over and, using 2 hands with 1 at the base, begin to try to twist your penis 360 degrees. You will find that it won’t twist much at all, but what it will do is kind of bend over. As it bends over continue to twist it and you can guage the amount of pull/push you want very easily. You can also control to some degree where the bend in the penis occurs giving a stretch to different sections of the penis. I don’t know if this makes complete sense and I tried to make an illustration showing what it looks like when the actual stretching occurs. Can a few of you guys try this out and tell me if it does anything for you? I will also try to clear this up the best I can so if I didn’t make sense, ask away.
Can anyone see the attachment?
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