The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.
:chicken: My chicken is on the path of becoming a big cock! :rooster:
Enter your measurements in the PE Database.
:monty: Don\'t forget your KEGELS! :monty:
2007-06-20: Bpl: 6.457, Eg: 5.197, Fl: 3.141, Fg: 4.331
2007-12-06: Bpl: 7.204, Nbp: 6.417, Eg: 5.118, Fl: 3.818, Fg: 4.645
Holy Sunday Morning Shit-Filled Donuts, Batman! Are you saying that people will by default almost always take binary views of complicated or complex situations? That they are not the great creatures of logic that our tabula rasa supposed minds wish they could be? It is almost like they are 24/7 emotion driven and are good liars or in deep denial. Say it ain't so Sam. -TwatTeaser
I'm fed up of having a signature!