Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

New, think about this now....



You lost me somewhere, but I think I caught the general idea :)

You have all stressed the small point I was trying to make, we don’t walk around with shirts on that have our cock measurements on it, so if we are neglecting some other part of our physical appearance to “over do peing” (if there is such a thing) maybe we should re think our approach to attracting the other sex.

On the other hand, I guess for us young guys, and hell the older guys too, you could always pe yourself to death for a year or two, get what you wanted out of it, and then concentrate on the other aspects of your physical appearance. I am just trying to provoke a little thought, no biggy. I am cerntainly not telling anyone what they should or shouldn’t do though.

Originally posted by Prickle
If I ever hit the 8” mark, I'll be all set. In my own mind, I'll know I have a huge cock so it'll be MUCH easier to talk to ANY woman I want, no matter how intimidating her beauty is because I'll know that I can't go wrong with this big dick.

Why can’t I feel like this? Why is it that no matter what number you’re at, and no matter how many peolple confirm it, you DO NOT feel huge??


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