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% of males with an upward curve?


% of males with an upward curve?

I always assumed every male had an upward curve in their penis until I started PE this year.
The when looking at the picture proof section I realised that some had a straight or downward curved penis.

Do any of you have an idea on the % that have an upward curve?

Why are some straight and others curved?

I guess all of the above variations are “normal” just as being left handed, right handed or ambidextrous is.

I can’t directly link to it because of the penetration porn ads, but has some statistics. Obviously I don’t know where they came from or how valid they are, but it’s a start in answering your question.

% of penises that
curve/bend/lean left = 13.6
are straight = 85.2
curve/bend/lean right = 1.2

% of penises that
curve upwards = 22.2
are straight = 63.0
curve downwards = 14.8

As to why they bend, there is usually some defect in the tunica albuginea of the corpora cavernosa. It could be congenital or due to Peyronie’s disease or a trauma.

When flaccid and up to about 75% erect, my unit leans to the left. And when 100% erect, I have an upward curve with the erection at a max of 7 o’clock (6 o’clock being straight up) and my unit is centered with my belly button.

I have an upward curve that takes about 1/4” out of the length (unless, of course, I straighten it out to measure). I have noticed that as I get older my woody does not point as high, right now it is about 10:00, used to be almost straight up. I guess I am wearing it out. :)

Started 10/1/04 Approaching 7x5, Going for 8x6

Have I got out of bed upside down this morning or what? I meant my erection to be at a max of 11:00 when 12:00 is straight up. Ok, I’m going back to bed now… damn cannot do that, I’m at work.

I’ve always assumed that a majority had an upward curve. But if that were true, straight rulers wouldn’t be the norm. :D

I’m definitely an upward curver—-lean to the right from long sessions with Rosey….

Start 030104 EBPL: 6.25" EG : 5.6" Mid LOT : 7:30 GOAL: 0.25 in any direction...."I'm not picky"- length would be nice "GIVE ME A %&#'N INCH OR GIVE ME DEATH"

I always thought that if there was a “curve” happening that there was an imbalance of lengths (R-L tunica and R-L ligaments and ligs to tunica) and that appropriate stretching would balance things out.

Thinking further to that, I wonder if the ladies present find a particular curve more enjoyable than perfectly straight in making love? Should we be tailoring not just size but bias also???

Does the vagina curve during coitus and so following the natural inclination of a woman with your penis may be more pleasureable?

I really hate my upward curve and slight lean to the left.

I truly believe if I could straighten the upward curve my lean (roll) to the left would also diminish.

That said, has anyone here ever straightened their upward curve?

Mine when fully erect is at 8:30- 9:00. No curve to the l or r. I always though that it would be cool to be able to hang my hat on my erect prick but I never could even as a kid. :)

Upward for me too. I can make it slap my belly with a good kegel. :)

Originally Posted by westla90069
I can’t directly link to it because of the penetration porn ads, but has some statistics. Obviously I don’t know where they came from or how valid they are, but it’s a start in answering your question.

% of penises that
curve/bend/lean left = 13.6
are straight = 85.2
curve/bend/lean right = 1.2

% of penises that
curve upwards = 22.2
are straight = 63.0
curve downwards = 14.8

As to why they bend, there is usually some defect in the tunica albuginea of the corpora cavernosa. It could be congenital or due to Peyronie’s disease or a trauma.

Thank-you for the information, it is very helpful.
Very interesting that there is such a large difference between penises that lean, curve or bend to the right or left.

I have a slight tendency to lean to the left (hardly noticeable) when erect and always assumed it was because I dress to the left.

Also very interesting that it seems 1 in 4 or 5 men have an upward curve in their Penis.

I wonder if it really is because of a defect in the Tunica, CC or Peyronie’s disease.
I would like to think that it is a perfectly normal variation rather than a disease or defect :)

My penis got bent years ago during sex. It was painful but now when I think about it I guess part of the pain was just the shock that something terrible had happened to my fellow sidekick (the penis that is. The girl didn’t get traumatized :) ).The end result was that my previously straight penis became instantly bent; And I didn’t feel like having any more sex that day. :(

Over the years it has ‘healed’ a lot. PE has helped also. :)

I have a pretty significant upward curve, and a bit to the left. Maybe the leftward bit is trauma related(although I don’t recall any dick injuries in my past) since even when flaccid there is a barely noticeable leftward bend. I’ve had a couple positive comments about the upward bend, they said it really rubbed the G-spot.

Starting: 6.5 X 5 EBP 4 X 4.1 Flaccid .........................Break: 7.563 X 5.5 EBP 5.25 X 4.375 Flaccid

Restart: 7.12 X 5.12 EBP 4.5 X 4.5 Flaccid

Goal: Somewhere between "Oh my God!!" and the end of blowjobs.

As to why they bend, there is usually some defect in the tunica albuginea of the corpora cavernosa. It could be congenital or due to Peyronie’s disease or a trauma.

I don’t think most have some kind of defect. Some, usually older men might have peyronie’s, but I think most is just normal variations of the norm. If your penis is bent slightly upward, the tunica part under is just a bit longer than over. Mine is bent slightly upward, and I don’t see any defects in it, im happy with my curve.

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