I thought I asked a relevant question.
I know, I know——one of the answers would be just measure however you want to measure for a baseline to track your growth.
But the question addresses more than tracking growth. Aesthetics, custom, and uniformity of responses on this a penis enlargement site. I think we need to establish protocol for measurement of our glans. For example, Bigbox in a few posts back on this thread said his glans was two inches long. Is that from the coronal ridge to the tip of his glans or is it from the juncture/joinder of his glans to his shaft to the tip?
For me, I am 2 1/8 from the crest of the coronal ridge to the tip of my glans and 2 3/8 from the joinder/juncture of the glans to the shaft to my tip.
Aesthetically, I think we guys picture glans length as from the coronal crest to the tip. But for me, a part of my glans lies behind the coronal crest.
So my question again, for all of us to be on the same page is what is the standard way to measure glans length? Coronal crest to tip? or, Juncture of glans to shaft to tip? We all need to be on the same page in this matter just as we all agree on bone pressed measurements, mid shaft girth measurement, non bone pressed measurement, etc. Thanks. I dont want to belabor a point. Just calling for standards and uniformity here in our measuring of our glans.