Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Oh shit! This'll teach me :)


Oh shit! This'll teach me :)

I’ve been getting a bit blazé with my training recently in terms of not caring when people are in or out. Today I was so relaxed I had the door open whilst I was putting on my penimaster. Once it was on I was just about to pull my trousers up when my eleven y/o brother walked in and was like “WHAT?!” I just turned round pulled my trousers up, he ran out, and I have avoided him ever since.

I’m worried he mentions something to my parents, or possibly just confronts me. Despite that I’m *trying* to see the funny side of it. ;)

Can you think of any plausible reasons for what it is and what I was doing?

Having a device attached to your dick is pretty hard to explain away. It seems to me that the only way out of this is to tell him what you were really doing and promise to tell him more about it when he is old enough.

"It's not the destination that matters. It's the change of scene. " - Brian Eno

PEing with your door open? YOU NUTS?! Every time Im home I lock my door when I do it. Even if my parents or siblings think im masturbating, thats better than knowing what Im REALLY doing….

How old are you BTW?

I’m 20, going to be 21 in Sept. I’m at university, but am at home for the summer and my room unfortunately doesn’t have a lock. I could have used my ingenuity and closed it though. :)

Your brother most likely thinks your robo-dick or something, tell him if he tells your going to put one on him

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

King Ubu said “Having a device attached to your dick is pretty hard to explain away.”

For some reason that is really funny.

The other night I was making my first rice sock. As I was filling it, my wife asked me what I was doing. I told her I was filling this sock with rice, nuke it for a minute. Then put it around my penis for 5 minutes. She just stared at me without saying anything and walked away. It was pretty funny really but you had to be there.

I determine my masculinity by having fate kick me in the stones and asking, "thats all you got bitch"? -androNYC

I was all set to offer condolences and helpful advise but I can’t stop laughing.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Strangely enough I watched Robocop tonight w/ my bro, and he kept on asking if I knew whether it’s possible to have a bionic phallus! Must be giving him ideas!

When I first read this, I thought, “You know, he could just tell him it was a robo-dick.” Like a new action hero or something. :D

EDIT: Damn, just saw Dino beat me to the robo-dick joke.

Last edited by SuperStroker : 07-23-2003 at .

Better not watch Terminator too, or he´ll get ideas about decending you into liquid steel for being a threat to mankind ;)

The art of conversation is not a martial art

If i were you i would blackmale him with something, tell him if he tells anybody about it, than you are going to tell your parents about something he has done (hopefully you have something on him that can get him into trouble)

It has worked with me and my brother.


:D :D :D Thats to much…please stop, Im already lying on the floor :bang:
:bang: :bang:

Not, yet serious, would be fine to know some excuses as well if someone finds the Penimaster in the drawer of your office…


To be honest, I think the knowledge of penis enlargement is a gift. I thank myself all the time I stumbled upon this website. So I would tell your bro you’re growing a monster dick, and tell him when he’s 18 you’ll tell him.

What an entertaining thread.

Good knight, is it safe to assume you brother hasn’t really given it much thought?

You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

Zig Ziglar

Anna nimity I think you may be right. He doesn’t seem too bothered, and if anything it may have developed an early interest in PE - so perhaps he’ll start doing something to his pecker himself. May have an eight incher by age 12!


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