Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

OK, I'm going to try to commit again...

OK, I'm going to try to commit again...

My last posting was of some pics that I was going to use for reference, but I quickly became wrapped up in day-to-day things and PE was put on the back burner.

I want to re-commit myself to this and use this as a new reference thread. I’ve worked out sporadically, so my dimensions are pretty much the same as before:

BPEL - between 6.75 & 7.0” (so close to 7”!!!)
EG - 5.5”

I WANT THE 8” x 6”!!! I just don’t know if I’ll ever get there, as I think I’ve gained all I’m going to gain via lig-stretch (I probably gained about .5”). But I will pick up where I left off using my stretch/hang/pump combo. workout. I will plan to post pics after a month or two of consistent workouts. Wish me luck!!!

Good luck indeed! I think that most of the guys here have “on” times and “off” times. Sometimes life just takes over and you lose your groove. I’d say do what you can and enjoy the journey.

:_pump: :donatecar

Back in the saddle after taking a couple of weeks off. I measured last night and I’m a solid 7” BPEL and just about 5.75” MSEG. Considering the time I took off, I feel like these measurements wouldn’t be skewed for temporary “plumpness” from workouts. So I’m happy, but not totally satisfied. I still really want the coveted 8x6! I’m also recommitting myself to the gym in the hopes that I can lose about 20 lb’s through the course of the year. I figure I could lose some weight which will help in my overall nude appearance. Hopefully I’ll have even better results to report in the next six months!

Good luck on the rest of your journey.

Good Luck fellow PE’er.. Nice starting stats

Age - 18 * Hobbie - Weight Lifting / PE

Current Stats: Goal Stats For Now:

BPEL = 6.5" BPEG = 4.75" BPEL = 7" BPEG = 5.5"

Last edited by gymcandyusa : 01-19-2009 at .

If you keep up the good work you’ll definitely get to 8 X 6. You a lot closer than I am and I know I’ll make it. Just don’t give up the good fight :)

Wow, thanks so much for the encouraging responses! I hope to report back soon!

OK, for an official update—

This is amazing! My wife and I were on vacation all last week, so it’s been a while since I’ve PE’d, which has worked out well because I felt like I needed a break anyway. In addition, I used this time off as an opportunity to come in before my next workout and be able to take totally objective, non-skewed (due to post-workout pump or stretchiness) measurements. The verdict:

BPEL - right at 7 3/8”
EG - 5.75”

I was blown away by the girth gain! Well, I was blown away by both gains really! I really hadn’t thought I had gained anything. But I’m just flabbergasted by this! Can you tell my excitement?!?

Also, while we were on vacation (FYI—we don’t have much sex right now because we’re both very into our careers) we had a lot of sex, and it took us back to when you first start dating and you just lay around all weekend and hump each other! Nonetheless, we’re laying there talking and out of the blue she says “Damn, you’re just huge! I mean, it’s really your girth, it just feels like you’re ripping me open sometimes!” I just kind of blow it off, and she comes back with “I guess we just need to have more sex, but no matter how stuff (lube) we use, you still make me sore.” I chimed in, seizing every moment, and say “Yeah, I could get used to having more of you”. She continues on and on about my size, so needless to say that made my day! Now, if I could just remind her about her “more sex” comment…

Thought I would share!

Originally Posted by beancountercock

Also, while we were on vacation (FYI—we don’t have much sex right now because we’re both very into our careers) we had a lot of sex, and it took us back to when you first start dating and you just lay around all weekend and hump each other! Nonetheless, we’re laying there talking and out of the blue she says “Damn, you’re just huge! I mean, it’s really your girth, it just feels like you’re ripping me open sometimes!” I just kind of blow it off, and she comes back with “I guess we just need to have more sex, but no matter how stuff (lube) we use, you still make me sore.” I chimed in, seizing every moment, and say “Yeah, I could get used to having more of you”. She continues on and on about my size, so needless to say that made my day! Now, if I could just remind her about her “more sex” comment…

Thought I would share!

Now that’s a charming story. Thanks for sharing and good luck with your quest for penile greatness!

Walk softly and carry a big dick.


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