Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Okay, Clampers. Listen up: Do as I say, not as I do.


Okay, Clampers. Listen up: Do as I say, not as I do.

Okay, Clampers. Listen up: Do as I say, not as I do.

For anyone who takes clamping to the extremes that I do, (First off I don’t recommend it) but when you do it anyway, and I know you will, it is best not to do anything during the time you are actually clamped except keep vigilant. That is, sit still and pray your dick doesn’t explode. Billy Graham prays with his eyes closed, but I can assure you he does not clamp. Whilst Thou Art Praying. Watch your dick for color and feel of it for numbness and coldness. Mostly you are concerned with numbness. Your dick can get pretty purple and still be okay, but if the glands are numb to the touch, pop the clamp and jelq in fresh blood. I know I’ve said before you can multi task. Well, that only goes for passive clamping. If you are doing Ulis, PAY ATTENTION! X-ULIS your hand and your eyes should be on you dick the entire 10 minutes it is clamped. You are already pushing your CC to the max without all the bends, rotary cranks and God knows what else. The Horse 440s are not too bad if done gently because all you are doing there is squeezing out the stale deoxygenated blood that has been depleted for the ten minutes you’ve blocked outflow. Stale blood SHOULD be squeezed out before reclamping, but gently. If you are leaving fingerprint indentations in a dick that was the size of a cucumber a moment ago and now looks like a dried prune, you’re probably squeezing too hard. Also, don’t apply the squeeze until you’ve popped the clamp AND the wrap. Have your mate tickle it with a feather if you like, otherwise best to leave it alone whilst it is in the clamp

Last but not Least: Keep a good check on your veins. The arteries are deep inside your dick and fairly safe, but all the veins that lie just under the skin are taking the most punishment, especially the thick dorsal vein you see plumped up like a #2 pencil. Feel for hard veins, especially after you have released the clamp. Once the clamp is off and stale blood squeezed out and fresh blood jelqed back in, all your veins should feel soft and supple and you should be able to move them around under the skin.

After an aggressive clamping session your dick will feel heavy and thick. The CC will feel hard to the touch even when flaccid, but the veins should feel soft. If you have a vein or veins that won’t soften up after the clamp is off, STOP CLAMPING! Mostly watch for the beginning of thrombosis. If one is starting to feel like a guitar string, STOP CLAMPING.

You know, there is nothing like the sound of a CableClamp ratcheting shut; it’s like the sound of some futuristic bird or serpent. During my last Urological examination I had explained in great detail the mechanics behind clamping to my doctor. On leaving, after putting my pants back on, I pulled a CableClamp from my pocket, opened it and handed to her. She took it her long slender fingers turning it over examining it like it was some new surgical instrument or something, then she snapped it shut and gazed out at me over the top of her glasses. With the prettiest eyes I’ve ever seen she looked directly at me and said “This is insane.” I keep seeing those eyes in connection with that sound.

I got a phone call from the lovely doctor: My lab results came back. The limpid panel was good. Cholesterol, triglycerides PSA all perfect. I’m a fine specimen of a man with a really thick dick. That’s the good news. The bad news is I have blood in my urine. She wants to see me tomorrow.

To be continued


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Last edited by Big Girtha : 07-11-2005 at .

An excellent and very important post, BG. All good until that last cliffhanger paragraph. ‘Hope everything’s okay.

More people need to use the “rate this thread” tool. I’m a loooooooooong way from ever thinking about clamping BG, but when that time comes, I’ll be re-reading every post you have ever written before I even buy a clamp.

"It's ALL in your head. You just have no idea how big your head is." - Lon Milo DuQuette "The mind's role in P.E. is more important than the hand that touches the penis." - Mr. Nine Just ignore the crazy old man in his tinfoil-lined pyramid hat, smelling of EVO and muttering Ohhmmm my penis growwwws. He's not always to be taken literally.

Hey dude. Call me.

Originally Posted by IrishPrincessRN
Hey dude. Call me.

Uh-oh….somebody is beckoning he of the mad thickness.

Hey BG,
I hope you didn’t take any of my cautionary talk against clamping personally. I think you’re a cool dude and I greatly admire your PE dedication. You’ve also built mad girth from clamping, and you’ve picked up a lot of girth-building knowledge along the way.

You’re taking risks, and so far no big problems (I hope the blood in the urine is something minor, btw - hell, that could be a UT infection or something unrelated). Others here will read of your crazy girth gains and may take crazy risks. Their units might not be conditioned enough, or they may simply go too far. I hope you understand that I’m not directing any of this shit against you, man. But, like I’ve said, I’ve read a number of injury posts here over the past couple of years and they’ve usually been along the lines of some extreme girth/impaction type of exercise.

And I cringed when I read Ulcaster’s post. I understand that his starting size wasn’t much and he obviously desire much gains (as any of us would), but he really screwed himself by going overboard. We don’t need more guys getting thrombosis in some desparate attempt to get huge girth gains.

But for anybody who wants to take the risks of clamping, your threads are definitely “required reading.”

What's the big deal, a little blood.

Well, the story continues. My urology follow up went well. After a call from my doctor requesting to see what other instruments of horror I had in my PE arsinal, I told her about my bib hanger. She said bring it. So I ran my bloodstained Bib Starter through the dishwasher twice and took it with me to my follow up yesterday at the clinic. It was funny, on my way to the lab I ducked into to her office to let her know I was here and saw my red Cable Clamp clamped around a lamp on her desk. She said she wanted to see me after my lab work. She was not smiling. After another piss test at the lab, and a follow up exam by Doctor Hottie where she examined my pee-pee hole thoroughly with something I believe she called a Urethra-scope, it turns out the blood in my urine was only coming from some ruptured capillaries in the urethra and had pretty much cleared up. I told her slight bleeding from the penis was common with aggressive PE. She was not amused. After examining my Bib hanger and listening to me explain how it is used she determined from that and the area of the urethra that was injured that the injury probably came from the hanger rather than the clamp, because I had explained to her I always clamp at the base as where the hanger is attached mid to upper shaft, in the exact same spot where I attach the Bib is where the injury was. I had also explained to her that I often time bled a little while hanging but seldom bled while clamping, only twice in two years, and both times I had been using multiple clamps, which I now strongly advise against. In light of this injury and what I’ve learned from the good doctor I may have to make several amendments to my clamping thread. I’ve already spoken to a couple of mods about this via PM and also about possibly joining all these clamping threads together.

Meanwhile, on a lighter side: There has been an interesting development in the Lady Urologist Saga. There seems to be a case of chemistry developing between the good doctor and me. I’m not sure where this is headed but I am sure it is not for this thread. Perhaps I’ll the post the story in DW’s forum if anything develops.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Last edited by Big Girtha : 07-12-2005 at .


How much weight, and what position are you hanging that you are bleeding while doing it? I’m curious because while I’ve never bled from hanging.. I have 1 or 2 times (in a few years) bled from clamping/jelqing.

I like the stories about you and your doctor, for some reason it interests me. :D

Keep us posted :D


Originally Posted by xflipcydex

How much weight, and what position are you hanging that you are bleeding while doing it? I’m curious because while I’ve never bled from hanging.. I have 1 or 2 times (in a few years) bled from clamping/jelqing.

I hang two one hour sessions five days a week one AM the other PM, each session consists of three 20 minute sets at 25 pounds SD and BTC. During the 10 minute break between sets I clamp off a Uli. I end the hang session by slipping on two pounds of lead pe weights and jog 4 miles, end the run in the hot tub where I do manual stretches in th 104 degree water using the weights as a fulcrum device, then I swim laps in cool water until failure wearing the lead weights to cement the post hang stretch. After I’m too exhausted to swim any longer I take off the weights and go to bed and Fowfer all night. Wake up, slip on the pe weights and start my day. That’s my routine during the week. Weekends I do the Clampathons and pump. I’ve mostly noticed the bleeding on the first hang set only, especially the first set of the week.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

I’m glad to hear things are clearing up (and that the bleeding is likely not from clamping!). Blood is scary stuff.

More delicious Dr. stories please.

I pray for you my brother. Please don’t explode your penis.

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

BG, bleeding all the time? You have to be careful, man. I don’t think extra size is worth the bood. Have you considered taking an extended break to let your dick heal fully?

Stats (bp) 2004/08/19 8.0 X 5.5" 2005/08/29 8.2 X 5.8" Goal - I am good for now

Originally Posted by sparky91
BG, bleeding all the time? You have to be careful, man. I don’t think extra size is worth the bood. Have you considered taking an extended break to let your dick heal fully?


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

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