Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Olive oil and Garlic oil

Olive oil and Garlic oil

Hi Guys ,
Few days ago old man told me his story that how he maintained his penis ,
He said he always do massage of his penis and back bone and pubic area with Olive oil and Garlic oil ,
How ,
Yea I am going to explain it now .
50 drops of Olive oil + 50 drops of Garlic oil mix the both oils and put them for heat on oven for few second
Lets say 30-40 seconds then let the mixture come cool and apply massage on the Back bone and Pubic area first 10 days ,
Here if you start getting Hard Very hard Erection then don’t massage on the penis just the areas mentioned above.
If you didn’t got HARD VERY HARD ERECTION then after 10th day start massage of back bone + Pubic area+
Penis for more 10 days.

So guys what you all think does this going to work give us Hard erection , I didn’t applied yet waiting to get
Response from you and see , did any one heard or tried this before .

Looking forward to hear from you soon .

How about you try it first and THEN tell us whether it is true or not ;)

Originally Posted by Okish6er
How about you try it first and THEN tell us whether it is true or not ;)

Yea that’s what I was thinking myself.
Before I would even consider going around smelling like I got ass raped at Pizza Hut,
I’d like to know somebody else’s experiences first. Several somebodys in fact.

I was gonna say, RootCap's hot. - kitten

Just confered with the Mrs. Reply was head job will be out if your going to try this one

Originally Posted by RootCap
Before I would even consider going around smelling like I got ass raped at Pizza Hut…

Ha, hah, haa,ha,he,hee,haw,haw….


"Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship"

- Humphrey Bogart to Claude Raines, Casablanca


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