Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



the base of my penis made the crackeling sound the other day while stretching…I just read some old posts and other people seem to have this same thing going on. I just wonder will it come back to haunt us later on

Time Neva Waits For Ones Who Sit Still

Some guys see “lig pops” as a sign of progress. I’ve never had one and believe them to be like someone “popping” his knuckles. Some can do it, some can’t and it doesn’t help or hurt.

yeah, I had my first the other day, it sounded like popping a knuckle except the sound had a much higher pitch. Didn’t hurt at all though!

Pops seem to be ligs quickly sliding over a high spot on a bone, out of a depression in the bone, or in some cases maybe even over themselves (?).

When hanging extremely heavy OTS last summer I could get a repeatable lig pop. I’d kegel, then relax. This would reset the lig’s position so it would pop when I leaned back while pushing down on the weight.

IMO, pops are nothing to strive for. Don’t worry about the occasional pop. Deliberately doing a whole bunch of them would probably damage the lig.

WTF I think if I ever heard a pop from my penis id be scared to do any more kind of PE’ing.


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