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P/E causing drips after urinating


I saw this thread the other day and was meaning to say something sooner. I have been PE’n for some time and have taken a few breaks. I have had the same problem with a bit of dribble. Really irritating but I am still still sticking to my goal. I want a monster cock! hehe


The other day I was coming back from the bathroom naked, and accidently dripped on my girlfriends foot. She wasn’t happy.

Read this thread I made last summer about this issue.

Originally Posted by j384
Read this thread I made last summer about this issue.

Yup, I remember reading it and posting in it (I think I posted in it). I was actually thinking of you when I first found this thread, but I was too damn lazy to search for it. :( Sorry guys.

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

This thing started to happen to me when I was around 12yo old, no PE involved.

I just shake it hard, gotten used to it over the years.

Looking to be a kiwi.

same thing with me boys, dribble dribble, but I think its kinda funny. It sorta reminds me when I was a kid and my dad still helped me take a pee and told me to shake and I got it all over. So that’s pretty much what I do, shake alot and get it all over, I could care less a drip on my leg or floor.

"Nothing to lose, but everything to GAIN!" Current Stats: NBPEL: 7" EG: 5 3/4"


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