Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

P.O. Box

P.O. Box

How big of a P.O. Box do you think I would need if I got one at the post office for a penis master? Also, this box is private right? Sorry about these questions I just don’t want to pick it up and the box just be right there stating what it is.

Thanks again

Not sure how it works in thwe US but over in Australia if the parcel is too big for the box they leave a post note for you and say you have to pick your parcel up at the counter.

Ask your post office if they do this.


"Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship"

- Humphrey Bogart to Claude Raines, Casablanca

IIRC the PeniMaster box is about 6” x 1.5” x 3.5” or thereabouts.

Oh and I forgot to say, the box would almost definitely be ‘brown paper’ and certainly I am sure the Penimaster people know better than to say what is inside (when I ordered my Static Stretcher the box contents said ‘spare parts’).

If you are not sure about this contact the Penimaster supplier and ask


"Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship"

- Humphrey Bogart to Claude Raines, Casablanca

I used to use on of those boxes that had an address not a PO box from Mailbox US or something but they got bought up by UPS. I wanted it for my business and since I was a one man show working out of my house I needed a mailing address that I could get deliveries when I was out doing service calls. I could get any sized package and they never messed with anything.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by longwidehard
Oh and I forgot to say, the box would almost definitely be ‘brown paper’ and certainly I am sure the Penimaster people know better than to say what is inside (when I ordered my Static Stretcher the box contents said ‘spare parts’).

Yes, there is nothing more embarrassing than having to go to the counter to pick up a small box labeled
“PENIS MASTER PENIS ENLARGER DEVICE FOR THE PENIS”, and having the clerk shout into the back:

“Hey Joe! Is there a small box back there labelled PENIS MASTER PENIS ENLARGER DEVICE FOR THE PENIS for Mr. Joe Small of 123 Main Street. That’s Joe Small… no the box says “PENIS MASTER PENIS ENLARGER DEVICE FOR THE PENIS”… What… no, the name is Small, Joe Small…


Just get the cheapest, smallest size post office box. At my post office, they put a little key inside the box when you have a parcel, and then you open up a big locker with the key to retrieve your package. Or, at worst, you can go to the front desk and get the package. (It is a plain white box, so no worries about “Penimaster” being emblazoned across the box.)

Just buy the $20 box, save some money, and don’t worry about getting embarrassed, because it won’t happen. I know, because this is exactly what I did about a month and a half ago.

Sweet thanks for the reply, I just don’t want someone I know that works at the post office of something to see what it is. How do you like the device so far?

No one will have any idea. I promise (and trust me, I worried about the exact same thing).

I like the device just fine. It has taken some getting used to, but these days, I’m able to wear it 7 - 8 hours per day at a good stretch. I have combined it with manual exercises, so we’ll see how I’ve done when I measure again in about one month. The best thing is 1) it’s fairly comfortable, and 2) it hides well under clothing (not perfect, but okay).

Hope it all works out for you—

Originally Posted by GlandMaster
Yes, there is nothing more embarrassing than … having the clerk shout into the back:

“Hey Joe! Is there a small box back there labelled PENIS MASTER … “

Yeah I hate it when that happens. Also when you go to the Chemist and the young chick calls back to the dispensary ” Hey is Mr Small’s 5th viagra prescription this month ready yet? No not that one the 20mg Viagra? Yeah he needs more right away.” etc

Originally Posted by GlandMaster
Yes, there is nothing more embarrassing than having to go to the counter to pick up a small box labeled
“PENIS MASTER PENIS ENLARGER DEVICE FOR THE PENIS”, and having the clerk shout into the back:

“Hey Joe! Is there a small box back there labelled PENIS MASTER PENIS ENLARGER DEVICE FOR THE PENIS for Mr. Joe Small of 123 Main Street. That’s Joe Small. no the box says “PENIS MASTER PENIS ENLARGER DEVICE FOR THE PENIS”.. What.. No, the name is Small, Joe Small.


Hahahaha. :D

Past: 5-5.5" BPEL x 4.5" GIRTH

Present: 7.55" BPEL x 5.55" GIRTH (1 year progress)

Future: 8-9" BPEL x 6" GIRTH


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